RomPatcher+ Patches for N8 Belle

RomPatcher+ Patches for N8 Belle

Change device ID by ExtraX7

Patch changes device id.
Thanks faenil who made the first patch.
You can check the changes in the PhoNetInfo(as example).

Save clipboard after reboot by ExtraX7

Patch will save your clipboard, after rebooting device.
Thanks CODeRUS for the one line of patch.
There are 2 variants of patches:
-(ForRom) this patch is working, if your AknCapServer.exe in Rom.
-(ForMod) if your file aren't in Rom, you should modify AknCapServer.exe
manually and use only this patch. Give me your file, and I will modify it.
Use patch in domain-autostart or standart autostart.

Show RAM and ROM by ExtraX7

Patch is opening the hidden drives for user. With this patch you can:
-hide any drive from "file manager" and "installation application",
also you can install apps to the "D" drive.
-hide F drive, comfortable for phones with mass memory and micro sd.
When you inserts the micro sd, the phone willn't check the images to update database.
By default patch opens "D" and "Z" drives, you can change values there "00000000".
As example you want to hide F drive, you will change walue to "05000000".
Value is the number of the drive in system.
"C" - 02
"D" - 03
"E" - 04
"F" - 05
"Z" - 19.
Thanks Newcooler for first patch.
Download - Opens the D and Z drives
Download - Hides F drive

Key light effects by ExtraX7

Patch switches key light on this features:
-the breathing works, when the screen is unlocked.
-the blinking stop works, when the screen is unlocked. The blinking is working,
when you taping menu key (in standart, the blinking stop works, when you taping menu key)
-And one feature, that depends, if you has a new message or skipped call:

On: unlock display and take a new message
Off: lock display and take message, tap to menu key.

In the settings must be switched "on" breathing, and swithed "off" big clock screensaver.
Apply patch and add into domain autostart. Lock display, and wait for a first breathe.

Open4All RP+ by wadowice

Patch open full access for reading-writing in system folders (sys, resource, private).

Remove Recording Tone (Beep) by CODeRUS

Patch disable "beep" while recording phone call.

c2z4bin by wadowice Fixed by iExtraX7

Patch permit use EPOC binary files in C: before Z:
Use it with Sysap mod by CodeRUS or c2z4bin by wadowice exe files. (Read more here)
Fixed by iExtraX7

BlockGPRS patch by jy1989

Prevents the phone from connecting to Internet.

CRepository4all by CODeRUS

Patch open writing CRepository for all programs.
Useful for TweakS users - all tweaks unlocked by default,
no need to reboot after installing plugin anymore.

Install Server RP+ By Il.Socio

Patch removes certificate check while installing sis packages,
also removes checking for wrong built-in package installing.
Thanks to CODeRUS for S^3 fix.

Super Program Locks by jy1989

Lock all program in your phone
Warning: dont exit the patcher when you apply this patch, or you need to reboot!!

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