COMPLETE Guide to Firmware Modding For Symbian^3 Firmware - Editing CORE/ROFS1/2/3 [UPDATED 18/9 Final]

It has been two months since we could mod rofs and I still dont see many CFW out...
Many users are there who know little but they dont want to try things out,
I could have simply made a CFW and finished things for me, get hundreds of thanks,
But that is not what I want, my aim is to improve the S^3 modding scene and keep it alive even though nokia ditched us!
I have added all this info most of which you will not find anywhere else!
This thread is for all CFW makers and newbies, who have the guts to try something new,
Go and make something new and post your CFW in the CFW section!

For all CFW makers and newbies

For newbies special:
Just read all the topics covered in this thread and soon you will come up with your own CFW!

For modders:
Go through this thread before you finalize your CFW, you could have missed something out!

Note: Before reading this is Important:
I may have missed to give you credit,
Because this tutorial is too huge, and the subjects it covers is enormous,
I think all the modders information is included here, So I do not deserve thanks my self other than making this thread,

So If any modder or member feel he has to get credit please PM me so that I can update it in the thread.

I am not greedy for thanks, no, I am not here to take credit of developers and modders for their hard work,
I am not here to fight, just to make the lives of future modders easy Smiley

Tools required:

Important Notice:

New Nokia Cooker 2.2 available now!
You can now use this tool for the calibration process too, and it also has been improved in many other ways.
Lots of new features and supported plugins added, I recommend you to switch to this version for all future purposes Smiley

Latest Phoenix
Nokia Cooker 1.1
Navifirm 1.5
Nokia Data Package Manager Lite 2011.35.2.1 [Download Product Code Firmwares]
See more here:
Core editor by doctorly NFECore2

Why is there need to hack in the first place?
To install unsigned apps,

what are they & why we need them?

Unsigned apps are apps who haven't been certified by Nokia (cracked apps),
Other apps whose certificates have expired (very old softwares),
still others who may not have a trusted certificate at all (eg:sklchan mods) are also known to show this installation error.
such apps are usually free of cost,

In order to install them, we need to get them signed with a developers certificate for your phone
Because developers are known to understand the risks of installing unsigned software (actually there ain't any) for testing their own developed software which may be unsigned

But now this method does not work Sad

Because nokia changed the system, and because of that you cant install your favorite apps by just signing them anymore,
The only way is to hack your phone Read more here

How to just hack it:

Now its possible to hack your device without any sort of flashing
See these threads by CODeRUS:

This will be IL.socios thread;

F33nix's thread:
Dont read further if you would not experiment with your phone!

Withcers thread(one which I've posted below it includes instructions to mod rofs too):

Nokia Cooker Is Too Old Fix:

Please note that is issue is only for previous versions of nokia cooker till v1.1
You can solve this issue by upgrading to the newest version available HERE

As it is I have seen many of the users trying to edit rofs and other files using nokia cooker v1.1,
Because it is very simple to use...

But many of you getting this error,

"This version is too much old,
Please download the new version from official website symbian toys.."

Of course there is this simple fix:
Change the date to anything before august 2011,
and everything works well and good,

But this will help you to fix it permanently

How to fix this:

1.Download the attached program for your operating system,
Run as date 1.10 x86 (for 32bit windows).zip
Run as date 1.10 x64 (for 64bit windows).zip

2.Open the program and select the options like below:

3.Click on create shortcut...


Now use shortcut to use nokia cooker...without changing the date Smiley

About Nokia Cooker and NFEcore2
Many of you do not know how to extract the files from firmware using these tools,
Below I will explain how this can be achieved:

How to extract the files from firmware using Nokia Cooker:
1.Open the firmware in Nokia Cooker and go to the folder which contains Nokia Cooker.exe or in other words go to the folder where you have installed Nokia Cooker
2.There you will find a folder called "files"....that is it Smiley
it has all the extracted files, you can extract rofs2/3, UDA, and 16G MMC file using Nokia Cooker

How to extract the files from firmware using Nokia Cooker:
One problem with Nokia Cooker is that it cant be used for CORE,
For that you need NFEcore2

1.First open the file in NFEcore2 and then click on UNPACK
2.Go to the folder which contains NFEcore2.exe or in other words go to the folder where you have installed NFEcore2
3.There you will find a folder called "Rofs"....that is it Smiley
it has all the extracted files, you can extract rofs2/3 files using NFEsore2


This is only for the N8 (I tested it)
How to downgrade your N8 to PR1.2 if you flashed it with the leaked Anna(by lagoskon) or leaked Belle
Download this from navifirm and flash:

Now you will have PR11.5.
Now you can upgrade to PR 1.2 of your choice!
So flash Anna/Belle without thinking again Smiley
(you can take it to nokia priority if needed I mean youd still be on PR1.2 and so you can show to those dummies that your phone is still stock)

Here is my thread on how to dowgrade, just in case you face any difficulties...make post there

Our member witcher3 made this amazing tutorial for flashing your devices.
Its so simple, But mind you ask all questions related to flashing there in his thread, please dont spam here!

How to flash with modded rofs files:

Gud evening people, i don't see too many cfw in the S^3 fw section, and S^3 handsets don't succesfully flash using the method known for S^1, so i thought of making a short tutorial for modding and flashing S^3 phones using Nokia N8 as reference

First of all the tools needed for cfw are :

1. NaviFirm+ by Il.Socio - DOWNLOAD
2. Nokia Cooker by Il.Socio - DOWNLOAD
3. NFE Core 2 (English) by doctorly - DOWNLOAD
4. Phoenix (2011.14.004.45945) - DOWNLOAD



Download the firmware files using NaviFirm+

Open NaviFirm+

#1 Make sure that "Nokia Care Suite" has been selected as the "Server"
#2 Select the "Product"
#3 Select the "Release"
#4 Select the "Variant"
#5 Make sure "Parse VPL" has been ticked and then verify that all necessary fw files are selected for download
#6 Select the "Files". The needed files are : core, rofs2, rofs3, uda, dcp, vpl, bin (uda must be ticked manually). You may also download the "Memory card Content" if you want the preloaded content.
#7 Then click on "Download from FiRe" to download directly or copy the URLs and download them manually

After download is complete, make a backup of all the downloaded files in a safe place should anything go wrong with modding and flashing. Later on these original files can be used to re-flash the phone if needed.


Edit the fw files using Nokia Cooker (The backup files should not be used for editing)

Open Nokia Cooker

#1 Open the required file by clicking on "Open Firmware" (Only rofs2, rofs3 and uda can be edited using Nokia Cooker)
Alternatively you can just drag the required file to the left pane named "Custom Firmwares"
#2 A couple of seconds later the right pane will display the firmware file contents. Now drag and drop the mods u need in this pane
#3 When finished adding mods and making changes click on the "Save Firmware" button
#4 The bottom pane will display the log since the opening of the file

The firmware will be repacked in the original folder and the original files will now have a suffix "_BACKUP_" in it
Repeat the steps for the other files if needed (i used the rofs2, so if needed changes can be made to rofs3 and uda in the same manner)


Calibrate the core using NFE Core 2 (Many many thanks to nicesoni_ash, without him i would've been stuck with a dead phone after flash with modded rofs files)

Open NFE Core 2

#1 Click on the "Open" button and select the core file to be calibrated
#2 After the file is initialized click on the "ROFS calibration" button
#3 A popup window appears, change all values to "2C"
#4 Click on "Apply"
#5 Click on "Exit"

Nothing else needs to be done in the core file


Flashing the phone with the modded files using Phoenix (Thanks to nicesoni_ash again, this procedure is entirely based on his method as he posted as a document)


Open Phoenix

Now follow the pictorial instructions

Now bring all the original downloaded firmware files into the above mentioned folder
To do this, create a folder named "RM-xxx" inside the above mentioned folder, where xxx is the device's number, and paste the files inside this folder
According to the example the files should be in this folder now - "C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\RM-xxx\"
Now follow the rest of the guide...

This guide is finished

I would like thank all the members here who have helped me in many ways, starting from when i started learning these things in S^1
I would also like to be really thankful to the greatest people in the Symbian scene, thank you CODeRUS, Il.Socio, Doctorly, PNHT
Thank you all the hard working people here on the forum
Thank you Upakul, nicesoni_ash, and everyone here who has helped me in one way or the other

I hope this guide helps everyone Smiley

RM-596_024.001_Full Cleaned with English Only.part1.rar (9765.63 KB - downloaded 66 times.)

The Ultimate tutorial, Look no further:
this tutorial will allow you to customise your own cfw or anyone else's cfw as you please,

I see that this thread is getting some attention and many of the Newbies too read this.
So here are a few preliminary notes:

Your Symbian Phone firmware will consist of certain files,
If you continue reading in this forum, you will soon know that these files can be downloaded using Navifirm and a few other tools,
So below you would be reading how to mod these firmware files, by Nokia to suit your needs.
Il.Socio aka Marco Bellino and PNHT[Adonix, Szakalit, and Steven25] first investigated the .fspx file format used for packing the firmwares and they worked on it and came up with tools which we now use.
So it is like saying all of this is possible as fruits of their work/investigation/knowledge or whatever you can call it.

Tools needed:
1.Nokia Cooker or any other firmware editor
2.Sis Contents


We need only three files (actually only two) to make cfw work!
They are:

The third file - rofs3 also you can ignore if you have added all the files to rofs2 but once I have observed first boot problem, else if you have not missed a single file and all is perfect, then CORE and ROFS2 should be enough for a successful flash, i got successful flash when I tested Cheesy

No need of Uda,
No need of rofs3
No need of RM596_APE_ONLY_ENO_11w15_v0.148.fpsx

You will not notice any much difference if you flash without these extra files
You will get more or less same result if your cfw is perfect
Only difference you will feel is first boot will take a few seconds longer!

But I recommend you to flash with four files:

5.16G MMC file also you can flash but remember it will erase your E drive if you click on refurbish
So you must select software update in case you want to retain your data

Why do I recommend these four files for all,
Because when you leave out either UDA or ROFS3, then sometimes you may end up with a buggy phone,
Some have reported such issued like very long booting times and menu not working and so on...
But hey, you can get it to work if you try...thats the truth

Modding UDA:

Before we start I hope everyone has downloaded the firmware of his choice from navifirm,
If not see here for more steps,
It has all the steps for a perfect flash and permanent hack

Firstly we shall begin with the UDA,
The Uda is a content file, all its content goes to the C Drive of the phone,
If you know little you will also know that the C drive is formatted and data is restored from Z(rom) drive every time we do a factory reset,

Now the first mod is, how to achieve 240+ free mb in UDA (for N8) total available space is 256 in N8
If you have C7 or any other S^3 mobile you will get more space like if C is 512mb then 500 mb+ will be free.

There is two ways to achieve this,
One is to flash without the UDA,

And other way is to delete all files..from UDA
Note you can also mod the uda but mind you, all mods will go after hard reset because it restores data from Z whose files are from core(rofs1),rofs2 &rofs3.
So thats why it is necessary to mod the rofs files

How to achieve this is very easy, open Uda In nokia Cooker and select all files and folders,
You will see six folders, after selecting all the files and folders click on delete Smiley
You are done Smiley

Same way we can add files also,
Just drag and drop into the nokia cooker window to add your files into their respective folders, and save it.

[New] Further notes:
Modding the UDA is greatly useful if you want to add apps which can be installed in C only,
But they will remain only untill you hard reset it..
So you can add your apps like QT and Quick Office, Opera Mobile etc etc which will need frequent updating to your UDA

You can remove UDA if you want:
In my opinion, this UDA modding is completely useless in case you dont have any apps to be pre installed in C
I would say to remove UDA from your cfw,
This will help you to reduce the number of files in your cfw to three Smiley

[New] Modding the 16G Mass memory file:
Why do we need this useless talk you might say?
This file is useful for including games and other apps which occupy lots of space and are to be installed in mass memory,
More information and steps are included in the last post in backups!
Mind you,
You will need to add the corresponding exe files to sys/bin folder in the C drive too (aka UDA) and other files which get copied in private or other folders in C too, if you want the apps and games to work from E just after flash!

Also you have to remember it will erase your E drive if you click on refurbish
So you must select software update in case you want to retain your data

Next is CORE and Rofs2/Rofs3 editing:

First we some important knowledge on CORE and rofs

Max size limit for Core is 160 mb approx (maybe little less like 159.something or so after rofs1 expansion is carried out in NFEcore2)
Max size limit for rofs2 and rofs3 after editing,
59.25 MB for ROFS2 and 15MB for ROFS3

As quoted in this post and here it is confirmed Smiley
Its also been quoted in many other places, I could find this one only Sad

Core files also contain the rofs1 files

What is core?

core consists of uboot.img, rom and rofs1 ....what are the other two? See here for more
The core files of S^3 are usually 125mb approx,
And usually about 90 mb will be rofs1 (it has same folders like sys, private, resource etc...)
Rest will be uboot and other information which we cannot edit,
Its somewhat hard coded,
You will get a better idea when you try to open it in NFEcore2, youd find that only 90 mb is rofs1, rest of the 35 mb is not editable...

Get NFEcore2 by Doctorly's here:
Download here if you dont want to waste time:;topic=50801.0;attach=134303

This tool as described in the thread can be used to edit CORE/ROFS2/ROFS3.

So as I was saying, the core file(rofs1 files) will be same for all the product codes (most of them if not all) of the same software version..
Say I downloaded two product codes of PR2.0 N8 v22.014 of 0599255 india black and 0589877 say angolia white
Note that even though both product codes will be of different regions, they will have the same core file,
Because they have the same version number.
But their rofs2 and rofs3 may differ, sometimes as much as by 20mb (rofs2) in size depending on the languages they carry.

So what do the comprise of?
Rofs1 in core comprises of all the files of the OS, including all OS app files like dialer, contacts, menu, etc etc
Rofs2 Comprises of the settings and mods files of the CFW's and the language files (r01/r02 etc)
Rofs3 is usually empty except for a few files,
Only for those product codes which are released by operators will have rofs3 with anything in it..
Else it will be only a few kb

What can you add to rofs1/2/3?
Whatever you add to core would be over written if the same files exist in rofs2 or rofs3

The priority to the rofs1 2 & 3 goes something like this

Priority: rofs1(core)<rofs2<rofs3

Ill try to make you understand it,
lets say you have a file called abc.txt in rofs1 inside core
I have modded abc.txt and placed it in rofs2, and changed it again and placed the final version of abc.txt in rofs3
then the file in rofs3 will overwrite rofs2 and rofs1,

Flashing goes like this,
It will first flash core (rofs1 included) > then rofs2 > then rofs3
so the final final version of abc.txt in rofs3 will overwrite the files copied by core and rofs2

Some one said that it does not over write but it simply ignores the files if that file is present in rofs 2 and rofs3
Ie the flashing is like rofs3 first then rofs2 and then core,
if the files are already present in rofs3 then it will ignore those files when it flashes rofs2 and core:
its not really overwriting.
Every of them has flash space on phone.
for exampe:
1000-1300 ROFS1
1300-1600 ROFS2
1600-1900 ROFS3
the phone reads from third to first.
if the file exists on ROFS3 it ignores the file in ROFS1.
try to rename the file ROFS3 to ROFS2 and ROFS2 to ROFS3
you will see original ROFS3 will always "overwrite" it.

I dont know how far this is true, I dont work in nokia so I just dont know how it goes.

So as I was saying,
What can you add to the core?
You can add apps and mods whatever you like,
But make sure the same files are not present in rofs2 and rofs3

I would recommend you to add apps like maps/qt etc etc
But still it is important to verify whether each of the files in those apps are unique and do not contain any cenrep files from the BE9 folder (described below)
or any other files,

You can move the ring tones from rofs2 to core, which will give you more space in rofs2,
So you can add stuff there instead of the core,

Will apps work from CORE?
Yes, but you have to check and verify if any files are overlapping in rofs2
I personally tested Nokia Maps, and the recommended apps which I have attached below, all of which worked
Note: Maps would work if QT works in your phone

What about ROFS2 then?
You can put all your apps in core and the important mods in rofs2
{You can flash without rofs3 altogether if all files are in rofs2 itself, So now core behaves like your rofs 2 and rofs2 becomes rofs3 (theoretically)}

I recommend you to add all the mods to rofs2/rofs3

Now you might ask,
Why nokia chose to make rofs3 when all can be done by editing rofs2 itself? why do they have to make life difficult for us right?

Rofs3 is for the operators to add their files and software,
Then why separate file? because rofs3 is a very small file, it takes less bandwidth and think if there was only rofs2, then operators would have to mod entire rofs2 and every single operator would have separate rofs2 and this will make only a few mb requirement to multiply ten times or more,
So to avoid this bandwidth wastage, its made like this, so now nokia just has to take rofs3 files from every operator and flash their devices before they sell it to you Smiley

Maximize space in your ROFS2 & ROFS3
Lets say you are facing space problems, ie, you have reached the maximum limit of 59mb for rofs2,
How to maximize space in your ROFS2 & ROFS3?
Look here
What fataqui wrote:
ROFS2 application (exe) and shared (dll) libraries are not compressed with PETRAN. Also many retail applications (exe) and their shared (dll) libraries are also not compressed by default. So before building your ROFS2 or ROFS3 files make sure you run them through PETRAN so you maximize your ROFS2 or ROFS3 file space. This way you can add many more applications to your ROFS2 or ROFS3 file without running out of space... please check back later for an example on how to do this.

Before petran compression...
OVI Maps 3.06 (637) english only, default size (not all exe, dll files compressed) = 11.6 MB (12,179,312 bytes)
After petran compression...
OVI Maps 3.06 (637) english only, compressed size (all exe, dll files compressed) = 10.7 MB (11,286,311 bytes)
Overall Space Saved = 893.001 bytes (almost 1MB of space saved)
Nokia File Compressor

Finally we are in the best part of the topic,
How to mod the CORE & rofs2/rofs3
(enough of all that knowledge already right?)

well here it goes:

The procedure is very simple:

Before modding rofs2 or rofs3 we need to calibrate core because if we dont, we will get a checksum error,
Our Daily Mobile member Doctorly had found a bug in nokia firmwares few months ago that we can flash modded if we calibrate the core to 2c using NFECore2

How to achieve this?

Wait, I had to announce that the new version of nokia cooker also includes the features in NFECore,
So I recommend you who want to cook your firmware to use NOKIA COOKER Version 2.2 and above.
It is very simple to use (simple drag and drop) and save!
Also it includes many other tools as pluggins.
So Now you can have one program for all your cooking purposes
For more see HERE

Back to where I was,
How to achieve this:
I think there are many tutorials which will tell you this,
But I shall post for your convenience
These steps taken from witchers tutorial:

Calibrate the core using NFE Core 2 (Many many thanks to nicesoni_ash, without him i would've been stuck with a dead phone after flash with modded rofs files)
Make whatever changes you want by opening the files folder in NFEcore2 install folder

Open NFE Core 2
Download it here

#1 Click on the "Open" button and select the core file to be calibrated
#2 After the file is initialized click on the "ROFS calibration" button
#3 A popup window appears, change all values to "2C"
#4 Click on "Apply"
#5 Click on "Exit"

Note for those who wish to MOD the CORE:
Those of you who want to mod the core can continue to do so before you click on exit, after step four above,
Click on unpack and make your changes inside the rofs folder in NFEcore2 installed folder,
If needed you can click on EXPANSION ROFS1 and this will increase rofs size by 20MB approx, so you can add your apps also,
Then after you've made all your changes, Click on repack
Go to the Repack folder inside NFEcore2 installed folder and there you will have your new modded CORE file

Once this is done you are good to go!

1. Open the rofs file you want to mod, in any firmware editing program (I am using nokia cooker, it works well for rofs and uda files)

2. First extract all the mods you will find to a separate folder lets call that folder rofs for now
So some mods will be from 10202be9 folder in private some will comprise of the sys folder,
some from system and some from resource etc etc..

Some mods are in sis format,
You will have to extract them using sis contents (posted below) into your desired folder before copying them into rofs.

3. Now once the mods are extracted you just have to drag and drop them to the opened firmware in nokia cooker thats it.

4. Click on repack.

5. Test by flashing it.

Lateset Phoenix get here from my thread
You can use other flashers too if you want but there are not many tutorials for other flashers

IMPORTANT (Im shouting)
Now you people will say I getting some wierd checksum error when I mod rofs2, why does that appear?
Answer is, follow this tutorial by witcher carefully and you will never get checksum error in your life Cheesy
There are millions of tutorials there in this forum and other blogs in the worldwide web,
So please save me and many other members the pain of answering silly questions regarding how to flash, and errors regarding flashing process,
I hope you who read this wont spam this thread with such questions

Next add apps to rofs so they work directly from Z drive!

This is quite simple:
1. Download siscontents from or anywhere else there are tonnes of links in google
2. Just open the sis files of the apps you need and click on extract
3. Copy paste the files into their respective directories


this sounds too easy doesn't it,
But it isnt, some apps do not work from Z, because they need to create files in C for instance,
All the autostart apps will also not work perfectly, for that you need to add the to the startup file,
Some will prevent others from working,
So you need to flash and check every single time to make sure,

For now these apps working in Z (just copy paste)
1. Kill me 1.36
2. Filebrowser from coderus
3. Easy keylock modded icon (no sound)
4. Tweaks 1.12
5. Memcheck v0.05
6. Rompatcher 3.1 with autostart from nicesoni_ash
7. I have not checked any more yet for compatibility yet

Even for rompatcher we need a startup file..

All these apps I recommend for your CFW because they are essential,
I have extracted and attached them so all you have to do is extract this folder and copy paste it (drag it) into the rofs folder using nokia cooker and repack!
youre done Smiley

List of apps which work from Z on s60v5; some may work some wont

How to edit apps so that they work from Z:

Its not as simple as adding apps to the firmware,
This time you will need the resource editor(see below) and few other tools,
I cannot explain everything but I shall give you an example how I edited one app,

I recently edited the camera update app for N8 to work from Z,
If you just copy paste it, it gives system error when you try to open it,

So I opened the registry file of english language(.rsc and .r01 files) and edited it and renamed all dependancies in C to Z
Meaning, files which were referenced from C were now being referenced from Z

I have posted it here:

zntx-han is another program which can be used to edit resource files (r01/r02 files) from the phone itself

I have attached it below.

Here is screenshot:

Now dont ask me how to use it, I cannot explain everything,
Perhaps it would be good if you'd befriend google at such times

To remove useless built in apps from the Firmware:

Nokia FW Cleaner 3.0

Note: that since this is an application developed to work with s60v5 phones, it will surely miss out certain files,
So its best to know all the dependencies and remove the files one by one..
Same goes for other applications like NFE STDv0.3, Language tool, etc which are for s60v5..
Point is they work, but not perfectly as we may expect it to..

How to add/remove entries from the startup file:

See my thread,

How to removing programs from the startup

There are two methods:
Method 1:

1.Hack your mobile and use hacked file browser by CODeRUS and copy paste this folder from the RAM "Z" drive:
z:private\2000d75b to E drive and load it to your pc
you will find four rsc files look inside all folders,

2.Now get ready to edit the .rsc files because in those files you will have all your startup apps
Download this Resource Editor
And open all of them in the app one by one

3.Now to remove apps, Just select the apps you want to remove and rename them one by one; then click on apply > Save as > same file name...

Screen shot of how the app looks:

4.Save it to your rofs (1,2or3) in the very same folders like they were when you copied them

5.Flash Smiley


Method 2:
1.Second method is to open core using doctorly's tool, Copy same folder to any other drive and all other steps will remain the same

How to add apps with autostart to startup:

This method is to add those apps which have autostart

So lets begin:

1.Install the program you want to install first

2.Go through the C:\private and find where your app's startup is integrated,
Most of the time you will find it in the folder mentioned above in C drive though

3.Once you found it, add to rofs and flash

For adding apps which do not have autostart;
I dont know yet, Will update as soon as I know

If someone knows better he can help!

How to add rompatcher in startup for Belle:

Open Z:\Private\2000D75B\startup\0\noncriticalcmdlist_hw.rsc and replace
z:\sys\bin\provisioningsc.exe with z:\sys\bin\rompatcherauto.exe.

What does this process do z:\sys\bin\provisioningsc.exe?

Local Client Provisioning (LCP) process that enables the creation of SIP-based VoIP settings from a installation file included in an application installation file. It also allows for silent browser and sms access, when an application that is being installed needs to contact the developers site to download or send information about the application you are installing relating to VoIP only. So it's really only needed when installing VoIP type applications, but as a side note, it gets started by install server if an application being installed needs it. I mean install server checks to see if it is running, if it's not, it starts it when needed. There is a lot more that I could add to this, but it's really beyond the scope of writing about it on a forum. But to put into simple terms "provisioningsc.exe" was the old method of finishing installs on re-boot, which has been deprecated, by "install server" scanning !/install folders on every boot. So it's not really needed on N8


For more see here:

In place of other apps like messaging and logs we can have our own app in the startup file

Like say that Z:\Private\2000D75B\ folder has all startup files,
You can remove all that you do not like,
and replace them with other apps,

We do need to keep the bytes same,
Or you will need to extend the size of the resource,
Else the phone will not be able to read that file and it wont boot
Now this post has come to an end, go to the next post, where we shall go into more detail about the modding part Smiley

Here is an example how to use the resource editor:

Hello friends Smiley
Today i'm gonna teach you a small trick on how to remove this

1. What you need: the file from folder Resource\MsgEditorAppUi.rXX (XX - your language code) and the SymbianRSC (attached)
2. Start the SymbianRSC
3. Open your MsgEditorAppUi.rXX file in program
4. Go to last point

That-s it Wink this is valaible FOR ALL LANGUAGES

I have attached two resource editors below:
Choose the one you like Smiley

I do have one more GOODIE for you:
N8 24.001 ROFS2 Cleaned with only english 01 language and modded camera update part 1
N8 24.001 ROFS2 Cleaned with only english 01 language and modded camera update part 2

So Now you can begin with your Anna CFW's for N8

More details here:

For the camera settings to work you need to copy this file:
Into the UDA or copy into the resource folder into C using scriptinit on first boot

N8 PR 2.0 Cleaned ROFS2
Also I have Uploaded Untouched rofs2 of N8 firmware version 24.001 with english language only, So that you can just add the mods and make your CFW based on it,
Its somewhat 26mb approx, which gives you about 33 mb of space to add your own stuff in it Smiley

Here you go:
N8 PR2.0 v24.001 Cleaned with English only Part1
N8 PR2.0 v24.001 Cleaned with English only Part2

Flash with 24.001 core and rofs3 +UDA

 Recommended Apps.rar (602.87 KB - downloaded 331 times.)

 RM-596_024.001_Full Cleaned with English Only.part2.rar (8941.87 KB - downloaded 26 times.) (74.11 KB - downloaded 19 times.) (73.98 KB - downloaded 22 times.)

 RESEdit.rar (79.63 KB - downloaded 55 times.)

How to add your favorite language to your cfw:

Before we begin, you need to find out the language code of your choice

Given below is the language list:
For more information look HERE

1 = British English
2 = French
3 = German
4 = Spanish
5 = Italian
6 = Swedish
7 = Danish
8 = Norwegian
9 = Finnish
10 = American English
11 = Swiss French
12 = Swiss German
13 = Portuguese
14 = Turkish
15 = Icelandic
16 = Russian
17 = Hungarian
18 = Dutch
19 = Belgian-style Flemish
20 = Australia, English
21 = Belgian-style French
22 = Austrian German
23 = Island of New Zealand English
24 = French International
25 = Czech
26 = Slovak
27 = Polish
28 = Slovenian
29 = Tawain
30 = Traditional Hong Kong
31 = Simplified Chinese
32 = Japanese
33 = Thai
34 = boolean phrase
35 = Albanian
36 = Amhara language
37 = Arabic
38 = Armenian
He added 39 = Paul Language
40 = Belarusian
41 = Bengali
42 = Bulgarian
43 = Burmese
44 = Catalan
45 = Croatian
46 = Canadian English
47 = International English
48 = South African English
49 = Estonian
50 = Persian
51 = Canadian-style French
52 = Gaelic
53 = Georgian
54 = Greek
55 = Cyprus, Greek-style
56 = Gujitela language
57 = Hebrew
58 = Hindi
59 = Indonesian
60 = Irish
61 = Swiss Italian
62 = Kannada
63 = Kazakh
64 = Comoros Language
65 = Korean
66 = Lao
67 = Latvian
68 = Lithuanian
69 = Macedonian
70 = Malay
71 = Dela Wei language
72 = Maratha language
73 = Moldovan
74 = Mongolian
75 = New Norwegian
76 = bar-style Portuguese
77 = Punjabi
78 = Romanian
79 = Serbian
80 = Sinhala
81 = Somali
82 = International Spanish
83 = American Spanish
84 = Swahili
85 = Finnish Swedish
86 = reserved (reserved for future use)
87 = Tamil
88 = Telugu
89 = Tibetan language
90 = Tigrinya
91 = Cyprus, Turkish-style
92 = Turkmen
93 = Ukrainian
94 = Urdu
95 = reserved 2 (reserved for future use)
96 = Vietnamese
97 = Welsh
98 = Zulu
99 = other (opposition)
100 = English manufacturer
101 = South Africa Sesotho
102 = Basque
103 = Galicia language
129 = English Asia
157 = Desktop English
158 = Hong Kong English
159 = Chinglish
160 = Japanese English
161 = Thai English
326 = Pacific Malay

Lets say the language code is 68,
So download a firmware rofs2, which has 68 language localization...and add all the files on to the rofs2 of your choice
then the question arises..
Bro where exactly are the language files/writing languages located? How do I edit them to be english only? Is there a way to remove the user guide/help files too? I noticed a lot of speech files is there any harm in deleting them?

All language files are located in rofs2 only,
You will find them in many folders,
I cannot list them all, but like about two thousand plus language files are there,
Now how do you go about it?

I have given you steps so that it will benefit everyone:

1.First download rofs2 from the firmware which your language is included...

2.Next find out your language code...In your case it is 01 for British English

3.Now scan all the folders for files which end with 01 or have o1 in them
many files are registry ones and end like this r01 rXX etc
No they are not rar files, but language files,

Now I will give an example to make it clear,

Every app also is written in different languages,
If you open them with sis contents you will find different languages,

You can simply remove them and repack them to get it cleaned...

4.Cleaning input files and setting your keyboard:
Find these files:
+ srsf_0_xx.bin
+ srsf_1_xx.bin
+ srsf_3_xx.bin
+ srsf_4_xx.bin

+ ptixt9kdb_itut_xx.dll
+xt9.....dll (xt9 with your lang, ex: vietnam - xt9vietnamese.dll)

+ find all start with peninput..._xx.rsc

And remove those you dont want/add those you want in your firmware...

Now Cleaning each folder one by one/Adding to each folder one by one...
You must search each and every folder to check that you have eliminated or added the exact files needed

And finally you can add speech or remove speech of your language code:
It will be in the system/data/rsm folder...
Keep only those languages you may need

You are done
After you have only your language in rofs2 it will be like 29.5-32.5 MB Smiley

I have also uploaded a rofs2 of english language r01 only like 26.5 mb after cleaning it:
N8 PR2.0 v24.001 Cleaned with English only Part1
N8 PR2.0 v24.001 Cleaned with English only Part2

Here is another method:
The language tool (remove and add languages)
language extracting utilities like this ROFS2 Language Tool and NFE v0.3 misses out some files,
Maybe because it is for s60v5..
Its best to so it manually, checking each folder one by one,
Sure its a tedious job, but takes just fifteen minutes approx if you're committed
This way you can be 110% sure of all the files

Here is an IMPORTANT LINK for all you who would like to port languages for your CFW:
freaxs_r_us has made this compilation of all languages,
Now all that is needed is a copy paste Cheesy
For more details and support post in his thread.

Here is another tutorial if you are facing any bugs whatsoever

Another important link for language editing

Add your own language to ANNA & BELLE or your own CFW

How to add your favorite fonts to your CFW:

Go to resource folder and open the folder called fonts, you will see these files there,

nosnr60.ttf - used for Menu "Apps" names
nssb60.ttf -Font used in messaging and typing, Sometimes also in user guide
nstsb60.ttf - Options("options" and "back")
S60ZDIGI.ttf -Fonts in the calculator and certain other areas like the dialler

Change these files to the font files you like!
For each option you can hava a different font,
If you want same font everywhere then take the ttf file and make four copies and name them as given above and replace the files in the fonts folder in resource
Here you will find collection of fonts!

Mind you, cause you might want to test compatibility before you make your CFW public,
Because changing fonts hs been known to screw up OVI store in S^3 devices!

How to edit keyboard mappings (keyboard configurations)

How to mod the 10202be9 folder:

This folder consists of all the cenrep files (setting files which can be changed)
How do you go about modding the .txts in this folder?
What significance is this folder anyway?

This folder consists of about 400 txt files, all of which are settings for some app or the other,
For example the camera mods which are present in most of the forums and cfw's are done by changing a few values in this file 10282EDC.txt from the BE9 folder (thats how Im gonna call it in short from now)

Here you go:

I created this tread, for all kind's of be9 files discussion and questions...
I'll add all answered questions to first post, so this will be little FAQ for be9 files...

Alarm snooze and sound settings----------------------------------------101F8798.txt
Clock settings(ex. 12/24 format)-----------------------------------------here
UI acceleration settings---------------------------------------------------10283344.txt
Profile Settings------------------------------------------------------------101F8798.txt
Shortcut widget settings--------------------------------------------------here
Automatic Keyguard Time------------------------------------------------101F877A.txt
Radio predefined channel settings----------------------------------------10207B87.txt
Browser settings-----------------------------------------------------------10008D39.txt
Calendar settings----------------------------------------------------------101F874B.txt
Startup & Shutdown configuration----------------------------------------101F8763.txt
Phonebook sorting settings------------------------------------------------101f8794.txt
Voice Recorder settings----------------------------------------------------101F87A3.txt
Predefined mailbox(es)----------------------------------------------------101F87EA.txt
Messaging settings---------------------------------------------------------101F87EB.txt
SMS settings---------------------------------------------------------- -----101F87EF.txt
Summary After Call settings-----------------------------------------------101F8831.txt
Charging note settings-------------------------------------------------- --101F8769.txt
wLAN scanning interval----------------------------------------------------101FD67E.txt
Camera settings------------------------------------------------------------101FFA86.txt
Light sensor settings-------------------------------------------------------10200C8C.txt
FOTA server configuration-------------------------------------------------102072C4.txt
FOTA disk storage configuration----- -------------------------------------102072C6.txt
Tv-out Settings-------------------------------------------------------------1020730B.txt
Stereo Widening Presets---------------------------------------------------10207A84.txt
Environmental Reverb Utility Presets-------------------------------------10207A7F.txt
Theme specific settings----------------------------------------------------102818E8.txt
Audio Message Settings----------------------------------------------------1028281E.txt
Parameters to handle wallpaper values-----------------------------------10282CB2.txt
Image and video quality settings------------------------------------------10282EDC.txt
Screen orientation parameters--------------------------------------------10282F0F.txt
3rd party application orientation------------------------------------------2000CFD9.txt
Core application orientations----------------------------------------------200159ED.txt
Default font size------------------------------------------------------------here

Even more info can be found here

Special thanks to Z3tor for helping in this tread.

After you find out the name of needed file, find out its description, then you are ready to mod Smiley

really big list


101f8770.txt Now Playing
This changed does not, or even counter-productive. Take a look. We are interested in themselves to try to find out.

1020744e.txt animated screensavers
0x2 int 90 seconds, saving time for the duration of protection
0x3 backlight time for the animated screensavers.

101f876e.txt set the font size
0x6, 0 is in a small, 2 large.

101f877c.txt screen backlight timeout
0xb, 0 to the time you want.
0x8, power saver time

101f874d.txt alarm clock
0x2 set the alarm snooze time, the default is 5 minutes.

10281c7d.txt voice recognition sensitivity
0x2 set the volume
0x3, 5 to 10 for the highest sensitivity.

101f877a.txt keyboard autolock time
0x5, 60 to the time you want.

10282df0.txt navi wheel
0x1 in the 0 off, 1 to open.
0x5 for the light efficiency, 1 and 0 is off.

101f87a3.txt recording quality
0x0 int 1 open call recording, "1" means open, "0" means off
0x1 int 0 "0", said AMR format (compatible with MMS), "1" WAV format (in), "2" indicates MP4 format (high)
0x2 int 1 1 "said the loud speaker," 0 "handset
0x3 int 2 4 "stored in the memory card, said," 2 "means stored in phone memory
0x4 int 4 value 0-10 handset
0x5 int 4 value of putting recording 0-10
0x6 int 0 0 "said AMR format," 1 "WAV format," 2 "indicates MP4
0x7 int 60 maximum recording time unit is the minute.
0x14 int 60
And consistent 0x7

101f8831.txt Call Report
0x1 in the 0 to 1 to open.

101f874e.txt Show call duration
0x9 in the 0 to 1 to open.

101f87eb.txt information menu font size
0x8 in -1 as the default, 1 is small, 2 large, 0 is normal.
0x1 set the number of information storage.
0x2 set to save sent messages, one for storage, 2 does not exist
10207e2.txt message editor font size
0x1, 1 small, 2 large, 0 is normal, 3 is the default.

101f87ef.txt character encoding
0x8, 1 to support the simplified characters, 0 for the support of all the characters.

100058db.txt MMS settings
0x4, 1 is to receive ads, 0 are not accepted.
0x6, 1 is to allow anonymous information, 0 is not allowed.
0x7, which is set to receive the report, 129 was not, was sent to 128 cases.
0x8, 128 is allowed to send the report, 129 are not allowed.
0x9, set the MMS period, 1 for 1 hour, 2 for the longest time, 24 to 24 hours
6 for 6 hours, 3 days is 72 hours, instead of 72 is set 3 days to 168 the same way that week.

1000102c.txt SMS settings
0x00000003 effective time in the settings, the default is 10080, which is one week,
The difference is that with the MMS, MMS is calculated by the hour, while the message is calculated by the minute
, And to 2 for the longest time, the other we all calculations.
0x00000010 to set the preferred connection, 3 GSM, 2 for the packet data.
0x00000007, 2 for fax, 0 for text.
Detestable is to receive the report I can not find, hey. We look for, if not it will use CP.

101ffc03.txt player settings
0x1 int 40 MPX volume range :0-100
0x2, 0 to shuffle off, 1 to open.
0x3, 0 to repeat play off, 1 for the repeat song, repeat all 2.
0x4 string "0x101FFCA9" MPX view the default view of the type of tool UID (default is the music player's subjective)
0x5 int 1 0 MPX pre-initialize the playback engine is enabled
0x6 int 15 MPX maximum data size, unit MB
0x102072C3 string "0x101FFCA9; 0x101FFCA1; 0x101FFCA0" MPX default view history

10201afd.txt 3D ring setting
0x1, 0 is off, 1 is open.
0x2, set the audio track,
0 off, 1 for the circular, 2 over the type, whom sub-type 3 and 4 for the winding-shaped, 5 to Random.
0x6, set the Doppler effect, Doppler effect 1 is open, 0 for no.
0x5, 0 relations for the Doppler effect, 1 is on, (Oh, to be distinguished above yourself and try it)

101f880a.txt realplayer settings
0x3, 0 to repeat play off, 1 to open.
0x5, 0 for the full-screen playback, one for Windows playback.

102750e2.txt Video Center
0x4, 0 for the scaling relations, one to open.

101f8751.txt network settings
0x6, set the cell information, 0 is off, 1 is open.
0x3, this is not OK, it should be the network choice. 0, for the automatic, 1 manual.

101f877e.txt Call
0x1 in, any key answer, 0 for off, 1 to open.
0x2, automatic redial, 0 is off, 1 is open.
0x3, the speed dial, 0 is off, 1 is open.
0x6, 0 is the default short messages (over'll call you), 1 for their own editing.
0x7, through the information refused to call a default "yes", 0 "no."

101f8801.txt USB connection mode
0x1, connect, asked, 1 is yes, 0 no.
0x2, the connections, 113 connections for the pc suite, mass storage 114, 115 Image Transfer

101f8798.txt profile settings
Standard Mode
0x7, the ring type, 0 is continuous, one for the crescendo, 2 rings once, 3 beeps, 4 silent.
0x8, the key volume, 0 is off, 1 for volume one, volume 2 volume 2,3 to 3.
0xA in, Vibrating alert, 0 is off, 1 is open.
0xB, the warning tone setting, 0 for off, 1 to open.
0x12, the Say caller's name, 0 is off, one is open.
0x16, the key call status, 0 starts, 1 silent and 2 for the do not disturb the silent mode ..
0x1000007, the above 0x7.
0x1000008, the above 0x8.

10204dac.txt Bluetooth settings
0x3, remote Bluetooth mode, 0 for off, 1 to open.

102818e8.txt call the image set
0x2, 1 default, 2 as the theme image.
0x8, the slide duration, power saver, you can change the time you want.

10008D42.txt off by default service information
0x1 int 1 for the service information open to change 0 to disable
0x2 int 1 0 download information automatically change to manual

101F8876.txt default on an auto-update
0x0 int 0 to 1 to turn off automatic updates to turn on automatic updates

2000FDB4.txt set the email to delete from the standby mode and off the visibility of e-mail notification
0x4 int 1 e-mail to a standby mode to change the display settings to not display 0
0x5 int 1 e-mail notification of visibility is off to open 1 to the 0

20012482.txt removed from standby mode to install the Internet Telephone
0x1 int 0 for the Internet phone in standby mode the installation does not appear to change 1

1020730B.txt TV OUT video output settings
0x1 int 0 TV output aspect ratio
0x2 int 0 TV output system information
0x3 string "" TV output default text
0x4 int 0 FLASH TV output filter
0x5 int 500 TV output level after a scan
0x6 int 500 TV output vertical overscan
0x7 int 0 Palm Select TV output visibility

101FFCD1.txt music player back into the fast-forward time and the setting
0x1 int 400 0 fast-forward time, in milliseconds
0x2 int 300 0 back into time, in milliseconds
0x3 int 75 0 fast-forward speed
0x4 int 20 0 back into the speed

2000BB53.txt share online standby mode does not show
0x101001A int 1 in Standby mode displays the online sharing of 1 to the 0 to not display

SIM card with set set (102078EE.txt)
0x1 int 1 0 manually add the SIM information, 0 = disable automatic subscription, 1 = enable automatic subscription

10204DAA.txt Bluetooth device address setting
0x1 string "" 0 local device's Bluetooth address (48 bits)

10204DAC.txt Bluetooth personal settings

0x1 int 3 1 representatives can be found in Bluetooth, 2 represents not to be found, 3 representatives can search
0x2 int 0 Bluetooth name
0x3 int 0 remote SIM card mode, 0 for off, 1 for open

102823D1.txt locale Lunar Calendar
0x0 int 1 Lunar Calendar is a user supported by the Chinese
0x1 int 0 Vietnamese lunar calendar is specified by the user support

101FD67E.txt WLAN search time and connection time
0x2 int 10000000 Wlan search time, in milliseconds
0x3 int 60000000 Wlan connection time, in milliseconds

101FD64D.txt online certificate validation settings
0x1 int 0 is defined as online certificate validation process policies, close the 0, open 1, 2 must
0x2 string "" this definition of the default OCSP server URL
0x3 int 1 UI-level software installation behavior, when a user tries to install untrusted software, an untrusted software can be installed, do not allow untrusted software = 0 can not be installed

10283344.txt set of user interface
0x0 int 22 default application frame rate (per second / frame)
0x1 int 75 alfappserver.exe maximum CPU time, the range of 1-100%
0x2 int 1 0 renderer of choice (1 = bitgdi, 3 = OpenGles1.0)
0x3 int 1000 0 maximum allocation of resources (Unit: thousand bytes). Textures, sounds, etc., can use the cache size. 0 = no limit
0x4 int 7 graphics in the form of Complexiy 1-10 (10 is the most complex, 1 is the simpliest and fastests)
0x5 int 0 0 GPU hardware drivers only have

10283322.txt keypad lock key parameters
0x1 int 0 0 No spesific hardware keyboard lock, an adjustment of the spring switch, protection switch 2 off-type keyboard.
Automatic keyguard 0x2 int 1 1 = allow, 0 = do not allow the automatic keylock
0x3 int 2000000 to the second button after button between the time in milliseconds
0x4 int 0 active open the lock button

101F87A3.txt recorder settings
0x0 int 1 is used to control voice recording, telephone recording capability. 0 (no), 1 (a)
0x1 int 0 audio format used by default MMS records, 0 (AMR), 1 (WAV), 2 (MP4)
0x2 int 1 sound file is used by the tape recorder playback. 0 (SpeakerEarPiece) and 1 (SpeakerIhf).
0x3 int 2 recording the location to save the file, 0 (phone), 1 (memory card)
0x6 int 0 Set the default recording quality records. 0 low, AMR .1 normal format, WAV format .2 high, MP4 format.
0x7 int 60 maximum recording time in minutes
0x10 int 12200 AMR recording bit rate. Values can be selected: 4750,5150,5900,6700,7400,7950,10200,
0x11 int 64000 AAC bit rate recording. Values can be selected: 8000--288000
0x12 int 48000 AAC sampling rate. You can choose the values: 8000--48000
0x13 int 1 recorder channel settings, 1 (mono), 2 (stereo)
0x14 int 60 default recording time, the default is 60 minutes

10207AF7.txt player character sets
0x1 int 0 with automatic detection of the Traditional Chinese version of id3v2 and the GB2312 character set code, 0 for the automatic detection does not support Chinese characters, an auto-detection support for the Chinese characters
0x3 int 0 the specific mapping of artists and composers, 0 = to PERF artist. 1 = auth artist.
0x4 int 0 id3v2 automatically detect the character set in Japan. 0 = automatic detection does not support Japanese characters. 1 = Japanese character support for automatic detection

101F8847.txt hidden features menu icon
1 Original: 0x8 string "1000590B, 10008D5E, 20007256,10005 a32" 16777216 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
Modified: 0x8 string "1000590B, 20007256,10005 a32" 16777216 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
You can join the program you want to hide some of UID, so to achieve program hides
2, for mr or early fp1 machine,
Original: 0x7 int 1 03
Read: 0x7 int 0 0 'machine menu to change. (The 1 to 0)

101F8809.txt silent pictures
Shimonoseki profile warning tone or set the camera can be silent silent mode
0x7 int 1 1 to 0

101F8763.txt modify the startup sound, fp2 boot animation
Original: 0x3 string "Z: \ \ Data \ \ Startup_tone.aac" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
Read: 0x3 string "E: \ \ Data \ \ boot.mp3" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
The boot.mp3 into e: \ data directory (you can also change the directory to another path)
Other sound files may not the same machine,
Such as the N95's 0x3 string "Z: \ \ system \ \ sounds \ \ Wakeup tone.aac" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail, for similar changes
For fp2 models, as well as
Original: 0xD string "Z: \ \ resource \ \ apps \ \ Startup.mbm" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
To: 0xD string "E: \ \ data \ \ Startup.mbm" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
Startup.mbm boot into the animation file e: \ data directory on it, you can try a number of gif, jpg format.

The model is 102828B2.txt FP2
Press 0 to change the shortcut key
0x6 int 268471609
268 471 609 16 hex which is replaced by 10008D39, that comes with the browser's UID, this new program that replaced the UID (converted into 16 hex),
For example ucweb6.3 the UID: 0xA000998F, into base 10 is 2684393871
Replace the 268,471,609 2,684,393,871
This line 0x7 string "5" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail, to 0x7 string "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
Is to remove the 5, can be solved uc press 0 key to start automatically after a Baidu search for "5" (you can try to modify into the other) to save the file
Copy the file to c: \ private \ 10202be9 restart
FP2 models is 102828B2.txt this document, similar to the corresponding changes on it! ! (Modified 0x3, 0x4)

1020E4FE.txt multimedia keys
The N73 as an example:
N73 normal edition and some multimedia keys, N73 Music Edition is the music key, the general version of the multimedia keys you can define a shortcut, the music is the same version, but is fixed die,
You can modify the following key features musical version of the music, just like the regular edition
First, the machine needs to xx, because of the need to read and write private directory file.
z: \ private \ 10202be9 \ 1020E4FE.txt is a short press the multimedia key (music keys, hereinafter referred to as MM-key) of the configuration file, 1020E4FF.txt according to the configuration file is a long, decided to press MM key to open the program.
In the normal version, z: \ private \ 10202be9 \ 1020E4FE.txt files, 17 lines (line numbers may not necessarily), find the form 0x00000002 int 270591236 0 the line,
270 591 236 16 hex which corresponds to 1020E504 (can use the computer calculator conversion), is the UID 0x1020E504, the corresponding program is AnykeyScList.exe, MM is the key to the program list.
z: \ private \ 10202be9 \ 1020E4FF.txt, line 17, int 270561987 corresponds to 16 hex 102072C3, is the UID 0x102072C3, corresponding to the music player program is MusicPlayer.exe
Regular version and the musical version of the difference is:
General version of N738 N *
1020E4FE.txt 17 rows: 270591236 -> 0x1020E504: AnykeyScList.exe
1020E4FF.txt 17 rows: 270561987 -> 0x102072C3: MusicPlayer.exe
Music Edition N73ME Development
1020E4FE.txt 17 rows: 270561987 -> 0x102072C3: MusicPlayer.exe
1020E4FF.txt 17 rows: 270530934 -> 0x101FF976: VisualRadio.exe
Music Edition is the music player press.
1, modify the corresponding function key
Want to change the Music Edition music shortcut keys, as long as the UID corresponding to modify the above line on it, such as the press to "everyday sounds", the musical version of the 1020E4FE.txt 17 lines
270,561,987 to 4,112,013,815 (every day of the UID is 0xF51859F7, corresponding to the base 10 is 4112013815), save, copy to c: \ private \ 10202be9 \, restart on it
(Note that if c: \ private \ 10202be9 \ persists under 1020E4FE.cre file, first delete)
Similarly, long press the music key can also modify the corresponding function
2, revised under the direction of the corresponding shortcut
In z: \ private \ 10202be9 \ 1020E4F3.txt file, the first 21-25 lines of the form
0x00000006 int 0x1028184B 16777216
0x00000007 int 0 16777216
0x00000008 int 0x1028184D 16777216
0x00000009 int 0x1028184E 16777216
0x00000010 int 0x1028184F 16777216
One 0x00000007 'is '0', the correspondence is under the direction of this line to set up 5
0x00000007 int 0x1028184C 16777216
After saving (Note encoded as unicode), copied to the C: \ private \ 10202be9, reboot (if the c: \ private \ 10202be9 \ persists under 1020E4F3.cre file, first delete)
Multimedia key to set the settings to see more options
Note that setting this, you can not open the multimedia key settings, you need to run directly AnykeyConf.exe (with activefile the direct running) to set the multimedia shortcut keys

101f8751.txt network band selection
3G-machine, I wonder if there is no band selection is to choose GSM or 3G network (Settings - Phone settings - phone - network)
Original (different machine may be different):
0x1 int 0 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x2 int 1 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x1 int 1 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x2 int 3 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
First amendment to open the selected menu, the menu options on behalf of the second place, as follows:
- 0: dual-mode
- 1: Dual mode, UMTS
- 2: dual-mode, GSM
- 3: dual-mode, UMTS, GSM

101f878A.txt emergency number (temporary lights lock keyboard keys)
0x1 string "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x1 string "10086 10010" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
string is the definition of emergency call numbers, Lock keypad, enter these numbers can be allocated to the State line changes, and lock the keyboard to enter, but hit or broadcast 112, the line may be locked country.
This allows us to define the temporary lights lock keyboard keys, the default is "112 911", adding you to fill, "1234567890", that locks the keyboard, press any number key will be the temporary lights ,
Look at the time, then enter any number, dial keys, it will make 112 a (10086 tested, did not test any number)

101f8731.txt change the user agent
The 6120c as an example:
0x0 string "Nokia6120c/3.83.2 (SymbianOS/9.2;" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail shift
0x1 string "Series60/3.1" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x2 string ";" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x3 string "Profile/MIDP-2.0" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x4 string "Configuration/CLDC-1.1) Mozilla/5.0" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x5 string "U;" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x6 string "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x7 string "AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x8 String "\" \ "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x9 String "\" \ "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xB string "Nokia6120c/2.0" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xC string "Series60/3.1" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xD string "Profile/MIDP-2.0" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xE string "Configuration/CLDC-1.1" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x0 string "Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2;" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail0
0x1 string "Series60/3.1" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x2 string "NokiaN95/21.0.016;" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x3 string "Profile/MIDP-2.0" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x4 string "Configuration/CLDC-1.1" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
q * ~ 9 ~ / T, q
0x5 string "U;" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x6 string "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x7 string ") AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x8 String "\" \ "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x9 String "\" \ "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xB string "NokiaN95/21.0.016;" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xC string "Series60/3.1" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xD string "Profile/MIDP-2.0" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0xE string "Configuration/CLDC-1.1" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x1 string "10086 10010" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
Developer Community Forum (y) K3] 4 A * X7 | 6 G (i; S
If you visit the website optimization based on user agent may show different results ~

20001079.txt ngage games to improve performance (OC) (non-N Series, 6120c, 73, etc.))
Non-N series machine to play ngage games, we all replaced 20001079.txt, this file is related with the ngage games, such as so "Band of Brothers" appeared in the "fog" option,
ASPHALT3 the shadow will become real, can make such cross-6120c screen for the game.
Original (6120c example):
0x00040006 string "clockspeed" 0
0x00040007 int 220 0 shift
Search for "clockspeed", then the following values (here 220), to 512. Save

101F876E.txt screen to select
0x3 int 0 16777216 (3250, on a 0x3 int 1 16777216)
Put them back int 2 0 to be changed to the horizontal screen
0: The system default dev.
1: vertical screen
2: horizontal screen
3: Auto
Modified and saved, and then restart the phone can be.

101F9A08.txt crack java permissions
0x1 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = AllFiles
0x2 string "c: \ \ java \ \ policy \ \" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = AllFiles
E; `. \! R4 J
Java file and then hack into c: \ java \ policy directory.

101F8764.txt FP2 models remove the upper right corner of the memory card symbol
0x1 int 1427 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
Some of the value to 3209, save the file,
PS: the machine may be part of the original data is not 1427, if there is no memory card logo fp2, try the first line of the file data to 1427

58.10200C8C.txt lighting settings
0x1 int 50 percentage of the default light intensity
0x2 int 50 the percentage of light sensitivity of the sensor
0x3 int 1 Boolen value of sensors, 1 on, 0 for off
0x4 int 3 contains the mask support (default in bold) light objectives:
? EPrimaryDisplay = 0x1,
? EPrimaryKeyboard = 0x2,
? ESecondaryDisplay = 0x4,
? ESecondaryKeyboard = 0x8,
? ECustomTarget1 = 0x10,
? ECustomTarget2 = 0x20,
? ECustomTarget3 = 0x40,
? ECustomTarget4 = 0x80,
? ECustomTarget5 = 0x100,
? ECustomTarget6 = 0x200,
? ECustomTarget7 = 0x400,
? ECustomTarget8 = 0x800,
? ECustomTarget9 = 0x1000,
? ECustomTarget10 = 0x2000,
? ECustomTarget11 = 0x4000,
? ECustomTarget12 = 0x8000
0x5 int 3 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail contains the target mask, according to the sensor control (default in bold)
? EPrimaryDisplay = 0x1,
? EPrimaryKeyboard = 0x2,
? ESecondaryDisplay = 0x4,
? ESecondaryKeyboard = 0x8,
? ECustomTarget1 = 0x10,
? ECustomTarget2 = 0x20,
? ECustomTarget3 = 0x40,
? ECustomTarget4 = 0x80,
? ECustomTarget5 = 0x100,
? ECustomTarget6 = 0x200,
? ECustomTarget7 = 0x400,
? ECustomTarget8 = 0x800,
? ECustomTarget9 = 0x1000,
? ECustomTarget10 = 0x2000,
? ECustomTarget11 = 0x4000,
? ECustomTarget12 = 0x8000
0X6 int 15 16777216 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData screen lights-out time, in seconds

10008D42.txt off by default service information
0x1 int 1 for the service information open to change 0 to disable
0x2 int 1 0 download information automatically change to manual

10208A43.txt camera to change settings
0x2 int 1 0 = always run the application off, 1 = always run the application
0x3 int 1 0 = not enabled high sequences, 1 = enable advanced Serial
101F876C.txt offline mode switch

0x1 int 1 0 1 to provide network services on behalf of, 0 for off-line

10282F0F.txt accelerate the speed of rotation of the screen (if they had to switch screens).
version 1
cap_rd = alwayspass
0x1 int 1 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x2 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x3 int 0 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x4 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x5 int 1 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x6 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x7 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x8 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x9 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0xA int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0xB int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0xC int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0xD int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0xE int 100 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0xF int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x10 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x11 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x12 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x13 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x14 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x15 int -5 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x16 int 50 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x17 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x18 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x19 int -5 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x1A int 50 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x1B int 20 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x1C int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x1D int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x1E int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x1F int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x20 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x21 int 50 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x22 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x23 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x24 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x25 int 20 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x26 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x27 int 5 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x28 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x29 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x2A int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x2B int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x2C int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x2D int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x2E int 300 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x2F int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x30 int 300 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x31 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x32 int 300 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x33 int 12 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x34 int 150 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x35 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x36 int 300 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x37 int 10 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x38 int 50 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x39 int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x3A int 300 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x3B int 30 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x3C int 300 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData

10282CB2.txt wallpaper related settings
This is where the V3's, but also control, or no effect, the file is correct
Representative tensile 0x1 int 1 0, 1 cut, 3 for full screen
Representative tensile 0x4 int 1 0, 1 cut, 3 for full screen
This is V5,
Representative tensile 0x1 int 3 0, 1 cut, 3 for full screen
Representative tensile 0x4 int 3 0, 1 cut, 3 for full screen
0x8 int 3000 the maximum width of the image
0x9 int 3000 image maximum height

101FD64E.TXT whether the pop-up "untrusted software vendors, whether to continue" prompt
0x1 String " [url = File: / / Data / installs% 5b/url] \ \ Data \ \ installs [/ url ] "
0x4 int 1 01 "that does not pop up," 0 "indicates that the pop-up

102828B1.TXT modify the default handset and speaker volume
0x1 int 4 This line is the default mode of the volume of mobile phone to your ear volume. Value is 0-10
0x2 int 4 this line is the hands-free mode the default volume, value is 0-10

101FB654.txt remote lock setting
0x1 string "" hash remote lock code
0x2 string "" Trimmed hash remote lock code
0x3 int 0 shows the remote lock

102823D1.txt locale Lunar Calendar
0x0 int 1 by the Chinese Lunar Calendar is a representative of the user support open, 0 for off
0x1 int 0 Vietnamese lunar calendar is specified by the user to support a representative of open, 0 for off

101F883B.txt Call barring
0x0 int 0, PS called calling line identification restriction, 0 = (CLIR Off), 1 = (CLIR Off), 2 = (default Cross-Language Information Retrieval)
0x1 int 0 decrease when the wireless signal strength is too low, warning the user, 0 = (alert off), 1 = (warning)
0x2 int 0 when the circuit-switched call waiting. 0 = (call waiting off), 1 = (Call Waiting)
0x3 int 0 VoIP registration is automatic or manual. 0 = (auto), 1 = (manual)
0x4 int 0 users are willing to accept anonymous calls. 0 = not, 1 = ready
0x5 int 0 the quality of call type
0x6 int 0 "do not disturb" setting state
0x7 int 0 PS state (VoIP) call waiting settings
0x8 int 0 as the preferred service, 1 = video, 2 = Internet telephony, 3 = a VoIP service, VoIP services, 4 = 2, n = n a VoIP service

101F4CD5.txt packet data settings
0xC string "0" 0 The total number of bytes sent using the GPRS connection
0xD string "0" 0 The total number of bytes received using GPRS connection
0x14 string "0" 0 total bytes sent using a wireless LAN connection
0x15 string "0" 0 Total received bytes using a wireless LAN connection

10204DA9.txt start switch Bluetooth
0x1 int 0 0 representative of closed, 1 open

10283322.txt keypad lock key parameters
0x1 int 0 0 = no spesific hardware keyboard lock, 1 = adjustment of the spring switch, 2 = well-off keyboard protection switch.
Automatic keyguard 0x2 int 1 1 = allow, 0 = do not allow the automatic keylock
0x3 int 2000000 to the second button after button between the time in milliseconds
0x4 int 0 active open the lock button
0x11100 int 164 keys to lock the phone the first scan code (left soft key + start key combination, 164 = scan code using the left soft key)
0x11200 int 133 keys to lock the phone the second scan code (left soft key + start key combination, 133 = scan code to use keyboard keys ITU)
0x12100 int 164 keys to lock the phone the first scan code (left soft key + start key combination, 164 = scan code using the left soft key)
0x12200 int 133 keys to lock the phone the second scan code (left soft key + start key combination, 133 = scan code to use keyboard keys ITU)
0x13100 int 164 keys scan code for query display the security lock device (164 = scan the left soft key)
0x21100 int 164 keys to lock the phone the first scan code (left soft key + right soft key combination, 164 = scan code using the left soft key)
0x21200 int 165 keys to lock the phone the second scan code (left soft key + right soft key to use a combination of the right soft key 165 = scan)
0x22100 int 164 keys to unlock the phone first scan code (left soft key + right soft key to use a combination of 164 = scan the left soft key)
The second scan code 0x22200 int 165 keys to unlock the phone (using the left soft key + the right combination of soft, right soft key 165 = scan code)
0x23100 int 164 keys scan code for query display the security lock device (164 = scan the left soft key)

10207AF7.txt player character sets
0x1 int 0 with automatic detection of the Traditional Chinese version of id3v2 and the GB2312 character set code, 0 = for the automatic detection does not support Chinese characters, 1 = auto-detection support for the Chinese characters
0x3 int 0 the specific mapping of artists and composers, 0 = to PERF artist. 1 = auth artist.
0x4 int 0 id3v2 automatically detect the character set in Japan. 0 = automatic detection does not support Japanese characters. 1 = Japanese character support for automatic detection

10204DAB.txt kept receiving from Bluetooth / IR file to set the default folder
0xA string "Received files \ \" here is saved from a Bluetooth receiver, infrared file
Reference format is: Received files \ \ e: other

10203833.txt audio equalizer preset EQ
0x1 int 20 pre-defined maximum number of default
0x2 int 20 the maximum number of user-defined presets
0x3 int 1 Number of pre-defined default
0x4 int 1 Number of user-defined default
0x6 int 1 16777216 Total Preset Counter
0x32 binary 00020000000b00000064000000dc00000001030000000 the first pre-defined preset key and start the pre-defined default
0x33 binary 6500660067006800 default name for the first pre-defined and pre-defined name of the default start
0x80000001 binary 00020000000b00000064000000dc00000001030000000 the first user-defined presets and preset user-defined start
c12000004060000000f000000401f0000c05d0000 0
0x80000002 binary 6100620063006400 0 by default the first user-defined and user-defined default name starting

10204DAA.txt Bluetooth device address setting
0x1 string "" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = LocalServices, WriteDeviceData local device's Bluetooth address (48)

20012482.txt removed from standby mode to install the Internet Telephone
0x1 int 0 0 for the Internet phone in standby mode the installation does not appear to change 1

101fe99b.txt save the bookmark to set the default location of data
0x1 String " File: / / c: eposlm.ldb "format file: / / driver disk: the file name. ldb , can not use Chinese characters

101FD67E.txt WLAN search time and connection time
0x2 int 10000000 Wlan search time, in milliseconds
0x3 int 60000000 Wlan connection time, in milliseconds

101FD64D.txt online certificate validation settings
0x1 int 0 is defined as online certificate validation process policies, close = 0, open = 1, must pass = 2
0x2 string "" this definition of the default OCSP server URL
0x3 int 1 when the user tries to install untrusted software that allows = 1 (untrusted software can be installed), no = 0 (untrusted software is not installed)

20016BC5.txt DMA function key switch
0x1 int 1 1 on behalf of open, 0 for off

200159ED.txt locate the direction of the application
0 = Use direction specified by the application
65536 = applied in the longitudinal direction
196608 = The default application is horizontal
327 680 = default application specified as the direction of the hardware
UID program front
0x100058B3 int 65536
0x100058C5 int 327680
0x10005901 int 327680
0x10005902 int 327680
0x10005A3E int 327680
0x10005A3F int 327680
0x10008D39 int 327680
0x101F4CCE int 327680
0x101F4CD2 int 327680
0x101F4CD5 int 327680
0x101F4D90 int 327680
0x101F8599 int 327680
0x101F85A0 int 327680
0x101F8681 int 65536
0x101FFB51 int 327680
0x102072C3 int 327680
0x102750F0 int 65536
0x20000907 int 327680
0x20001F63 int 327680
0x20009B72 int 327680

101F877C.txt network flag is set
0x3 int 1 1 0 for the network logo is off to open
0x4 int 0 0 is set to 1, logo does not appear to show
private \ 10000580 network standard documents in order to shield
Logo_460_0_OTA.mbm for China Mobile
Logo_460_1_OTA.mbm for China Unicom

10008D5E.txt browser menu settings
Wang Ping set 0x1 int 0, 0 is off, 1 is open
0x2 int 1 automatically loads the image, 1 load, 0 for no load
0x3 int 2 browser user interface, 0 "all the smaller", a "small", 2 "normal", 3 "big", 4 "are all big"
0x4 int 1 start full-screen set, 1 is the default, 2 is a full-screen
0x5 int 0 custom access point

10200C8C.txt lighting settings
0x1 int 50 percentage of the default light intensity
0x2 int 50 the percentage of light sensitivity of the sensor
0x3 int 1 Boolen value of sensors, 1 on, 0 for off
0x4 int 3 0 contains the mask support (default in bold) light objectives:
? EPrimaryDisplay = 0x1,
? EPrimaryKeyboard = 0x2,
? ESecondaryDisplay = 0x4,
? ESecondaryKeyboard = 0x8,
? ECustomTarget1 = 0x10,
? ECustomTarget2 = 0x20,
? ECustomTarget3 = 0x40,
? ECustomTarget4 = 0x80,
? ECustomTarget5 = 0x100,
? ECustomTarget6 = 0x200,
? ECustomTarget7 = 0x400,
? ECustomTarget8 = 0x800,
? ECustomTarget9 = 0x1000,
? ECustomTarget10 = 0x2000,
? ECustomTarget11 = 0x4000,
? ECustomTarget12 = 0x8000
0x5 int 3 contains the mask of the target, according to the sensor control (default in bold)
? EPrimaryDisplay = 0x1,
? EPrimaryKeyboard = 0x2,
? ESecondaryDisplay = 0x4,
? ESecondaryKeyboard = 0x8,
? ECustomTarget1 = 0x10,
? ECustomTarget2 = 0x20,
? ECustomTarget3 = 0x40,
? ECustomTarget4 = 0x80,
? ECustomTarget5 = 0x100,
? ECustomTarget6 = 0x200,
? ECustomTarget7 = 0x400,
? ECustomTarget8 = 0x800,
? ECustomTarget9 = 0x1000,
? ECustomTarget10 = 0x2000,
? ECustomTarget11 = 0x4000,
? ECustomTarget12 = 0x8000
0X6 int 15 screen lights-out time, in seconds

10008D42.txt off by default service information
0x1 int 1 for the service information open to change 0 to disable
0x2 int 1 0 download information automatically change to manual

101F8782.txt call forwarding settings
0x1 string "" 0 call transfer "forward to" number 1
0x2 string "" 0 call transfer "forward to" number 2
0x3 string "" 0 call transfer "forwarded to" number 3
0x4 string "" 0 call transfer "forward to" number 1, is busy
0x5 string "" 0 call transfer "forward to" number 2, busy
0x6 string "" 0 call transfer "forwarded to" number 3, busy
0x7 int 30 0 when no one, the call start time is set, the time in seconds
0x8 int 30 0 does not respond when the call transfer time is set, the time in seconds
0x9 string "" 0 using the digital data call transfer
0xA string "" 0 using the fax telephone number

101F8876.txt default on an auto-update
0x0 int 0 to 1 to turn off automatic updates to turn on automatic updates

101F874D.txt default alarm tone and alarm snooze time
1. Modify
0x0 string "z: \ \ data \ \ Clock Alert 1.aac" 16777216 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = WriteDeviceData
0x1 string "z: \ \ data \ \ Clock Alert 1.aac" 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail
0x2 int 15 15 refers to the alarm snooze time of 15 minutes, and can be modified as needed to modify

10200C8B.txt Close Call vibration
0x1 int 11 vibration change the 0 to disable call

101F8774.txt file storage control settings.
0x1 int 2097152 disk space warning level (unit: bytes)
0x2 int 131072 level critical of disk space (unit: bytes)
0x3 int 1000000 RAM lowest level (unit: bytes)
0x4 int 1330000 RAM ideal level (unit: bytes)
0x5 int 1000000 program launch time (unit: ms)

1028281E.txt audio information set
0x1 int 0 0 representative of the earpiece, 1 speaker

Increase in C-5M 102072C6.txt about space!
0x1 int 0 to 0 on it

101F861B.txt own browser HTTP
0x5 int 1 0 is not displayed, 1 indicates breakpoint

1020503B.txt preset phone language to Simplified Chinese
0x1 int 31 revised to 31 in Chinese premise that your phone must have a language
The following is a list control:
1 = British English
2 = French
3 = German
4 = Spanish
5 = Italian
6 = Swedish
7 = Danish
8 = Norwegian
9 = Finnish
10 = American English
11 = Swiss French
12 = Swiss German
13 = Portuguese
14 = Turkish
15 = Icelandic
16 = Russian
17 = Hungarian
18 = Dutch
19 = Belgian-style Flemish
20 = Australia, English
21 = Belgian-style French
22 = Austrian German
23 = Island of New Zealand English
24 = French International
25 = Czech
26 = Slovak
27 = Polish
28 = Slovenian
29 = Tawain
30 = Traditional Hong Kong
31 = Simplified Chinese
32 = Japanese
33 = Thai
34 = boolean phrase
35 = Albanian
36 = Amhara language
37 = Arabic
38 = Armenian
He added 39 = Paul Language
40 = Belarusian
41 = Bengali
42 = Bulgarian
43 = Burmese
44 = Catalan
45 = Croatian
46 = Canadian English
47 = International English
48 = South African English
49 = Estonian
50 = Persian
51 = Canadian-style French
52 = Gaelic
53 = Georgian
54 = Greek
55 = Cyprus, Greek-style
56 = Gujitela language
57 = Hebrew
58 = Hindi
59 = Indonesian
60 = Irish
61 = Swiss Italian
German 62 = Aisne
63 = Kazakh
64 = Comoros Language
65 = Korean
66 = Lao
67 = Latvian
68 = Lithuanian
69 = Macedonian
70 = Malay
71 = Dela Wei language
72 = Maratha language
73 = Moldovan
74 = Mongolian
75 = New Norwegian
76 = bar-style Portuguese
77 = Punjabi
78 = Romanian
79 = Serbian
80 = Sinhala
81 = Somali
82 = International Spanish
83 = American Spanish
84 = Swahili
85 = Finnish Swedish
86 = reserved (reserved for future use)
87 = Tamil
88 = Telugu
89 = Tibetan language
90 = Tigrinya
91 = Cyprus, Turkish-style
92 = Turkmen
93 = Ukrainian
94 = Urdu
95 = reserved 2 (reserved for future use)
96 = Vietnamese
97 = Welsh
98 = Zulu
99 = other (opposition)
100 = English manufacturer
101 = South Africa Sesotho
102 = Basque
103 = Galicia language
129 = English Asia
157 = Desktop English
158 = Hong Kong English
159 = Chinglish
160 = Japanese English
161 = Thai English
326 = Pacific Malay
65535 = no
The default storage settings 1020727F.txt Contacts
0x100 string "sim: / / global_adn" "" change quotes the middle.
10201AFD.txt-dimensional ring configuration
0x1 int 0 0 0 D ringing tone effects to change an open
0x2 int 1 0 0-5 audio track number
0x3 int 5 0 value of 0-10 track speed
0x4 int 0 0
0x5 int 0 0 0 1 Doppler effect open changed
0x6 int 0 0 0 1 will change more than a Doppler effect
101f8781.txt screen backlight timeout
0x1 int60 sec
101F876D.txt off predictive text input, etc.
0x7 int 0 0 1 On Off
0x4 int 0x40 40 = 100 = stroke alphabet
101F876F.txt set the default wallpaper
0x9 string "Image Address"
101F9775.txt system to modify the system disk cache to the E
0x1 string "E:"

from opda forum

Enough of this code crap you might say, who gives a crap about the description you might ask,
Just tell us how to mod this folder?

Its very simple,

If you dont have enough time to build a CFW all from scratch and are too lazy, then you are like me XD

SO what would you do to personalize your cfw?
1.Download any CFW, and then look at the changelog
2.Find out those mods which you do not like or the mods which the CFW is missing
3.Search in the forum about more information about this mod
4.If its a BE9 mod (txt file) you will find the txt name,
5.Search what the description is from this site if the modder has not provided the exact description
6.Then look at the values in the same txt file from rofs2 of the CFW (you have to extract rofs2 of the cfw I hope you understand this much)
7.Change the ones you want to and personalize the mods as you may please

Note regarding CRE's:
Sometimes you may have the mod in .cre format which you may want to place in the BE9/persists folder,
But the thing is, it will not work from Z itself
CRE's are te compiled form of the mods and they will work well only if you add them to C

For example I have a mod by the name 200908xx.cre which I extracted from say sklchans mods...
The corresponding 200908xx.txt could pose problems, because there will be another CRE in C which will conflict,

So you cant just copy paste CRE's into Z,

You need to use the scriptinit or minicmd to copy paste them into the be9/persists folder after flash

I recommend you to go for txt files, because CRE's would get erased...when you do soft reset/hard reset

This is the complete BE9 Folder encyclopedia, Here you will find infor mation about many manyhundreds of txt files, with description of values too

I have also attached the Description files below,

For more you can look into this thread

CRE conversion:
Many of you have requested CRE conversion to be explained because many modders post sis files containing .cre files within.
So many CFW makers want these mods in txt format so that they can include it in their CFW,
But like all others, most of the Modders are little protective of their work,
Many believe this is selfish of them, including me,
But they are like that because people steal their work and just forget about them...they wont even give credit

So back to the topic, here are your steps:

Download and install Symbian_3_SDK, ActivePerl and Carbide/Eclipse

To convert CRE file to TXT:

1.Make a new txt file in "C:\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.9\epoc32\winscw\c" paste this in it
"cd C:\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.9\epoc32\release\winscw\u deb
centrepconv.exe -dtextshell -- -o c:\20008EA6.txt c:\20008EA6.cre" and rename txt to bat.

2.Copy your .cre files to "C:\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.9\epoc32\winscw\c"

3.Edit file with your txt editor löl

To convert TXT file to CRE:

1.Make a new txt file in "C:\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.9\epoc32\winscw\c" paste this
"cd C:\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.9\epoc32\release\winscw\u deb
centrepconv.exe -dtextshell -- -o c:\20008EA6.cre c:\20008EA6.txt"

2.Copy your .txt file to "C:\Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.9\epoc32\winscw\c"

3.Red filename is what you convert and green filename is target file

Download links for these softwares:!download|369l35|147642303|ActivePerl-|8852

Note: this was performed by Symbian_3_SDK_0.9, ActivePerl- and Carbide/Eclipse
For versions after these releases the syntax will be different

See these posts if you dont get what I mean:

All you have to do is to install the S^3 sdk and then launch the "centrepconv" command...
Using the certrepconv you'll get back the .txt from the .cre Wink

- install the proper sdk (the path of the one below is for the 3rd_MR)
- put the 10203040.cre in C:\Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\Epoc32\winscw\c\
- call the C:\Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\centrepconv 10203040.cre
and you'll get the 10203040.txt

Below here's a batch file...
Usage: cr_conv.bat 10203040.cre
copy %1 C:\Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\Epoc32\winscw\c\
cd C:\Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb
call centrepconv %1
start C:\Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\Epoc32\winscw\c\

Thanks Il.Socio
but I did not get what you are trying to tell over there
Couls you explain where to find this centrepconv command
Do we have to enter it in cmd?

As you said I did copy all the .cre files to this path

then next?

Next, you have to call the centrepconv command... as written.
- call the C:\Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\centrepconv 10203040.cre

It is a console command and as you can see, it is located in the path "C:\Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\"
I've also included a simple batch file to do all the stuff with 1 step...

Il.Socio, oh pretty! i didnt know centrepconv support reverse operations too =)

I don't use it since long time, but it works for sure because I used it hundred of times in the past... Wink
As far as I remember, the only side effect is that the strings will be rebuilt as bytes arrays and not as plain text.

It surely does support reversal mate Wink

The syntax for bianary to text conversion is:

CentRepConv [-nowait] [-o output_path] [input_path\]<repository_uid>.cre

And earlier SDKs here: www(dot)
Only use to convert cenrep file, you can use the 3rd SDK
The syntax in Windows 7 maybe differentiate with Windows XP as the syntax: CentRepConv [-nowait] [-o output_path] [input_path\]<repository_uid>.cre
It is: centrepconv.exe -dtextshell -- -o <repository_uid>.cre <repository_uid>.txt to convert txt --> cre

Sr, i can't post link, replace the term (dot) with dot sign

There is a simple solution though: this text taken from nicesoni_ash's quote

I would suggest you instead of spending time on doing this, just install all sklchan mods in your phone, install Tweaks v1.1.2.. Restart your phone, run Tweaks, go to options and export all in E drive.. Copy Tweaks folder from your E drive to your PC.., Now copy 10202be9 folder from your rofs2 (that's untouched)., go to google and read out description of each single entry of each cenrep file you wanna edit, see the value in that tweak folder you copied from your phone and put the value in untouched txt file..

I know it's a bit lengthy process yet you would learn a lot and could mod cenrep patches in future without any help.. Always better to do some stuff yourself rather then depend on some converting utility Wink

The 10282BC4 folder:
The 10282BC4 folder under private is also an important folder
It consists of many rules,
These rules you will find in the core,
And it is very simple to edit them using a resource editor,
Just use any resource editor like the one we ger in X-plore (you will find many just google)
Here is the one I use

Open the files and edit them change the values and play with them to achieve your desired effect,
Im not going to go into much detail,

But few details I shall say:

These files will work well from C also,
You can edit them and paste them into C and they will work,

It is very easy to edit these files because most of the files have a description in familiar language, stuff like intensity and time are left like that making it damn easy even for a newbie to understand whats inside..

Ancelad has made quite a few rule mods
Check them out

Unpack his sis files and you will know what they are inside,

Few links I shall post:

[MOD] Menu Led Breathing for Nokia N8
[MOD] Charging Led Off (Nokia N8)
[MOD] Charging Led with Missed Events N8
[MOD] Interactive Screensaver Rotation S^3
[MOD] Tactile Feedback in Calls S^3

10202be9 files description.rar (137.96 KB - downloaded 190 times.)

Modding example

Mod default profile name:

Ill just give you an example

For instance lets say i downloaded nicesoni_ash's cfw "Delight"
And I see that it has the main profile name as Delight,
So I want to change this and a few other things in general, so I search the forum and find out that the txt file responsible for profiles is 101f8798.txt in the BE9 folder
So I unpack the rofs2 of CFW Delight and go straight away to that file,

Next I open it in notepad and it looks somewhat like this:

version 1
0x1E000000 0x31000000 16777216
cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x1E000000 0x31000000 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x0 binary 00FEB1EF 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x1 binary 00FEB1EF 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x2 string "Delight" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x3 binary 0000 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x4 string "Z:\\Data\\Sounds\\Digital\\Beautiful Ringtone.mp3" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x5 string "Z:\\Data\\Sounds\\Digital\\Nokia tune.aac" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x6 string "Z:\\Data\\Sounds\\Digital\\Cute Sms.mp3" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x7 int 0 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData

So I read the description given here:

And change the stuff in bold to the one I like
Say jnx_r

version 1
0x1E000000 0x31000000 16777216
cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x1E000000 0x31000000 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x0 binary 00FEB1EF 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x1 binary 00FEB1EF 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x2 string "jnx_r" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x3 binary 0000 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x4 string "Z:\\Data\\Sounds\\Digital\\Nokia tune.aac" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x5 string "Z:\\Data\\Sounds\\Digital\\Nokia tune.aac" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x6 string "Z:\\Data\\Sounds\\Digital\\Message.aac" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x7 int 0 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData

And now my mobile says jnx_r for general!
And I also changed the ring tone and sms tone

So now when I boot up the phone after flash it automatically says jnx_r in profile and nokia tune as I pleased got it?

Another Example:

Mod messaging folders in 101f87eb.txt

Given below is the code for the folders in messaging
You can simply change the order as you please by shilfting these values up or down
Also mailbox folder is not actually present, Its just given there thats all

5: New message
8: Conversation
4098: Inbox
4104: My folders
7: Mailbox
4100: Draft folder
4101: Sent folder
4099: Outbox
6: (Delivery) Reports

Here is the code:

version 1
cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x1 int 999 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x2 int 1 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x3 int 2 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x4 int 2 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x7 int 0 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x8 int -1 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x9 int 0 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0xA int 64 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0xB int 1 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData

0xC int 5 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xD int 8 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xE int 4098 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xF int 7 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x10 int 4101 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x11 int 4100 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x12 int 4099 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x13 int 6 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x14 int 4104 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail

0x15 int -1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x16 int -1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x17 int -1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x18 int -1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x19 int -1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x1A int -1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x1B int -1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x1C int 1 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData

More details and explanation

Another example
Mod the startup file:

I have chosen nicesoni_ash's cfw v1.5 and taken the file from there for explanation purpose:
This file has his cutomizations thats why and another reason is I dont have my cfw thread yet Smiley

here is the code for the 101f8763.txt file:

version 1
cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x2 int 4000 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x3 string "e:\\Animations\\Startup.mp3" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x4 string "" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x5 string "Delight is Booting up... Wait" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x6 int 1 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x7 string "" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x8 string "" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x9 string "" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xA int 1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0xB int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xD string "e:\\Animations\\Startup.gif" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xE int 65000 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xF string "" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x10 int 100000 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x11 int 4000 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x12 string "e:\\Animations\\Shutdown.gif" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x13 int 100000 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x14 string "e:\\Animations\\Shutdown.mp3" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x15 int 4000 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x16 string "20110615:090000" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail [Setting responsible for time & date after cfw flash, take note of this, I expl below]
0x17 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x18 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x19 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail

So here you go, I have pointed out to you the startup animations and startup sound, you can change this to suit the file name you like Smiley
And the start up note Delight is Booting up... Wait you can change it to what you want, EG) "Hey handsome Smiley"

And finally the last 20110615:090000 is the setting you have to enter right after flash cfw:
EG: 2011-06-15 is the date given and 09:00:00 is the default time
But there is a glitch,
ie) When you enter the above date, you will actually get 2011-07-16 instead of 2011-06-15
So if you need the date to appear as 2011-9-19, you need to enter 20110819 in that space Smiley

This is because the date this is offset by one
ie) 20100000=2010.01.01
got it?

More info

Another Important eg:
Change browser open in long press "0"

Change the string responsible for app running when 0 key is pressed;
Change this in bold to UID of your favorite app
0x3 int 268471609 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
Copy modified 102828B2.txt file to C:\private\10202be9\ folder

this is the code of the txt:
version 1
0x1 string "*" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x2 string "10008D39" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x3 int 268471609 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail [In place of 268471609 I will paste 0xEAFE014C (uid of kill me) or its decimal value]
0x4 string "5" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0101 int 42 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0102 int 0x2001FD3D 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0103 string "" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0201 int 48 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0202 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0203 string "" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0301 int 35 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0302 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0303 string "" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0xFF0401 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail

Decimal 268471609= hex 0x10008D39 UID of browser

For more see here

This mod will help you to edit the system persistent apps list:

decimal no. 0x(hex no.)
Messaging 268458181 0x100058C5
Log 270486741 0x101F4CD5
Calendar 268458241 0x10005901
Clock 268458243 0x10005903
Contacts 270486734 0x101F4CCE

Code from 102858f2.txt in the 10202BE9 folder

version 1
cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x1 int 268458181 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x2 int 270486741 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x3 int 268458241 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x4 int 268458243 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x5 int 270486734 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail

All the apps which you may not desire to run in the background,
Just remove them as follows,

Say I want to remove calendar and clock and keep the rest,
Then the code will be:

version 1
cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x1 int 268458181 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x2 int 270486741 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x3 int 270486734 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail


version 1
cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x1 int 0x100058C5 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x2 int 0x101F4CD5 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x3 int 0x101F4CCE 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail

After editing, repack rofs2 and flash!
Got it?

Few more BE9 Mods explained:

* Dialer landscape mod and SYSAP portrait(2000B195.txt)

0x20009B72 int 327680 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData (DIALER)
0x100058f3 int 65536 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData (SYSAP, to lock startup
and shutdown animations to portrait, to keep their size and aspect)

* Gallery Folders mod (102828AC.txt and 200009FE.txt)

ADDED excluded folders to 0×2 in 10282AC.txt
and to 0x1XXXX in 200009FE.txt

* ContinuousAF mod (2001B29B.txt)

Set 0x1E to 1

* Context data object maximum size (2000B195.txt)

Set 0×1 to 4096

* MusicPlayer Folders mod (101FFCD2.txt)

Set 0×1 to the folders where you want the musicplayer to look!

* MusicPlayer Heap 30Mb (101FFC03.txt)

Set 0×6 to 30

* Startup/Shutdown animations and sounds mod (101F8763.txt)

Set 0×3 to the startup animation file
Set 0xD to the startup sound
Set 0×12 to the shutdown animation file
Set 0×14 to the shutdown sound

* Browser’s cache mod (101F8557.txt)

Changed drive in 0×3, 0×4, 0×8 to “D:\..”
Set 0×2, 0×5, 0×9 to 0, to have INFINITE cache

* Voice Recorder 5Hours at 256kbps! (101F87A3.txt)

Set 0×6 to 2 to have default High Quality profile set
Set 0×7 and 0×14 to 300, to have 300Minutes (5Hours) of max recording time
Set 0×11 to 288000 to have 256kbps recording (you can also set it to 256000, it’s the same)

* UiSpeed Mod (10283344.txt)

Set 0×0 to 72, which are the max fps (default was 67, so I think 72 does not change anything,
it was just to try )
Set 0×1 to 90, which is the max % of the cpu time that the UI Server can use (default was 75)
Set 0×4 to 3, which is the Graphic FX quality (kastors quality) default was 8 (maybe), I
lowered this because I think 8 is not needed, and to improve speed

* Belle missed call/new message notifications remove Mod (102824a0.txt)
change "0x1 int 63" to "0x1 int 60"

How to add these mods into a sis install package?
Have you seen sklchan's mods?
Want to know how its done?

See this video and find out for yourself:

You might need a certificate*

Modding the Scriptinit.txt file:

What is Scriptinit.txt?
Its a file is in your rofs2/private/100059c9,

What is it used for?
When the phone is booting up after flash,
This file would create folders as required by the firmware.

For example when you want to install rompatcher in your CFW,
Now rompatcher requires all the patches to be in either C or E,
Of course you might say you will include it in UDA and matter finish,
But you will lose the patches once the phone is hard reset!

The scriptinit will create folders and copy certain files as and when required to their respective places:

This is how the default scriptinit looks
CD C:\Private\
MD 200009F3\
CD 200009F3\
CP Z:\Private\200009F3\schema.mde
CP Z:\Private\200009F3\defaultimportfile.mde
CP Z:\Private\200009F3\backup_registration.xml
CD C:\Private\
MD 10281E17\
CD 10281E17\
CP Z:\Private\10281E17\backup_registration.xml
CD C:\Private\
MD 200009F5\
CD 200009F5\
CP Z:\Private\200009F5\backup_registration.xml
CP Z:\Private\200009F5\mappings.db
CD C:\Data\Others\
CP Z:\Private\200009FD\MdEExampleImportMetadata.mde
CP Z:\Private\200009FD\test_schema.mde
CD C:\Private\
CD C:\System\
MD WidgetLibs\
CD WidgetLibs\
CP Z:\System\WidgetLibs\platformservices.js

Only these commands available like in msDOS:

MD for make directory
CP for copying something somewhere

RD for remove directory

I will give you an example on how to mod this file to copy to patches folder in E
First I will place the Patches in a folder called patches in rofs2
Lets say I made the patches folder in a folder by the name "jnx_r" in rofs
So patches are rofs2>jnx_r>patches

I will add these lines to scriptinit to make a folder patches in E:

MD E:\Patches\
CP Z:\jnx_r\Patches\* E:\Patches\

The final txt should look somewhat like this:

MD E:\Patches\
CP Z:\jnx_r\Patches\* E:\Patches\

CD C:\Private\
MD 200009F3\
CD 200009F3\
CP Z:\Private\200009F3\schema.mde
CP Z:\Private\200009F3\defaultimportfile.mde
CP Z:\Private\200009F3\backup_registration.xml
CD C:\Private\
MD 10281E17\
CD 10281E17\
CP Z:\Private\10281E17\backup_registration.xml
CD C:\Private\
MD 200009F5\
CD 200009F5\
CP Z:\Private\200009F5\backup_registration.xml
CP Z:\Private\200009F5\mappings.db
CD C:\Data\Others\
CP Z:\Private\200009FD\MdEExampleImportMetadata.mde
CP Z:\Private\200009FD\test_schema.mde
CD C:\Private\
CD C:\System\
MD WidgetLibs\
CD WidgetLibs\
CP Z:\System\WidgetLibs\platformservices.js

Now suppose I dont want the WidgetLibs folders to be created I will simply just remove it from the scriptinit
Got it?

Notes while using scriptinit:
You cannot use scriptinit to copy to sys/resource folders
It has to be noted that there is a firmware which could copy a file to the resource folder,
I still do not know how that was possible,
maybe the UDA is completely blank so there is no folder in C,
Maybe I just dont know, Somebody who knows better can explain this please?

See here what I was talking about:
Thts it...also I couldnt copy to C\resource....but then how Xtension copies samsungtoolbar.mif to C:\Resource\Apps\ Huh

Another user said that RD commands worked for him:
it does. write the following:
CD E:\
RD system\
RD sys\
RD resource\
RD Private\
it works for me Smiley

Another example:
If you want to put the file XYZ.mp3 from data in rofs2 to C:\Private\XXXX
Write this command in the end:
MD C:\Private\XXXX
CP Z:\data\XYZ.mp3 C:\private\XXXX\XYZ.mp3
and remember to put XYZ.mp3 in rofs2\data

More data:

Hi friends,
I am adding RD command in my scriptIt file, but it's not working..I have added these lines..
CD E:\
RD sys\
RD resource\
RD system\
RD Private\
None of the folder get deleted and I don't want to use format E:\ command so any suggestions please.. ??

Reply by bzs73

I did so, and it works perfectly.

Another thread which will give you an idea what are the mistakes which one normally does when making a scriptinit file

Few other scriptinit related threads:
ScriptInit - What am I doing wrong?
Need Help with ScriptInit.txt
RD command in ScriptInit.txt not work.
RD command not working in scriptIT?Huh - Any suggestions please.
could someone help me with ScriptInit.txt

There is an alternative to scriptinit, which is said to be more effective since it can be used on every boot instead on just the first one,
It is called the minicmd script...
It works just like the scriptinit, just that it has a few extras,
For more you need to read this thread:

For the below mods, you will need a XML editor,
Search for any XML editor in google, download and use the one you are comfortable with Smiley

How to preset the number of homescreens after flash:
edit \private\200159c0\install\root_2001f482\hsps\00\rootconfiguration.xml in rofs3 (or rofs2 but you have to delete it from rofs3 if you want to add to rofs2 else you will get same old default configuation)
Just delete the useless homescreens by deleting each element

How to preset the homescreen after flash:
edit \private\200159c0\install\view_2001f48b\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml in rofs3 (or rofs2 but you have to delete it from rofs3 if you want to add to rofs2 else you will get same old default configuation)

The UID of the widgets:
Profile Widget- 0x2001cb7c
Music Player- 0x10207c18
Calendar- 0x2001f481
EMail Widget- 0x2001E2CA
Empty field- 0x2001f47f
Notifications- 0x200255b4
(under shortcuts you can add four attribute, choose uids of apps you want)
Favorite contacts-0x20022EBA

Nothing much here Just usual info for those who are interested,
Useful for homescreen modding

C:\private\10282822\\CNR_SINA\index.html (0x2000DDAC)
C:\private\10282822\com.accuweather.widget.touchNG\AccuWeather\index.html (0x2000DAD4)
C:\private\10282822\\Bloomberg\main.html (0x2000DAD2)
C:\private\10282822\com.ifeng.www.webtv.widget\ifeng\index.html (0x2000DD93)
C:\private\10282822\\imgo\accept.html (0x2000DD97)
C:\private\10282822\\AP_News\main.html (0x2000DAD3)
C:\private\10282822\\Chat\main.html (0x2000DBA7)
C:\private\10282822\\YUIUI\mainSplash.html (0x2000DBBC)
C:\private\10282822\com.renren.wrt.s60.v32\PRC_RenRen_3.2\index.html (0x2000DD4C)
C:\private\10282822\\NokiaWebTV\index.html (0x2000DDAE)
C:\private\10282822\com.TudouTV.widget\WebVideo\index.html (0x2000DDAF)
C:\private\10282822\com.widsets.dianping\DianPing_Widget_Touch\index.html (0x2000DD51)
C:\private\10282822\com.youku.s605th.webtv\WebTV\index.html (0x2000DDB8)
C:\private\10282822\Dazhihui\dzh_widget_v5.22\index.html (0x2000DD52)
C:\private\200267C0\widgets_21D_4C7\lib\ssoui\main.html (0x2000DCC5)
C:\private\200267C0\widgets_21D_4C7\lib\ssousername\index.html (0x2000DCB2)
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C:\sys\bin\xmppservice.exe (0x2001A9CA)
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Z:\sys\bin\alarmeditorapp.exe (0x2001CC11)
Z:\sys\bin\Anykey.exe (0x1020E4F1)
Z:\sys\bin\ap_QO_FileManager.exe (0x2000CD2B)
Z:\sys\bin\ap_QuickofficeStub.exe (0x2001F7B1)
Z:\sys\bin\AP_QuickPDF.exe (0x2000CD7F)
Z:\sys\bin\ApplicationManagement.exe (0x1020781C)
Z:\sys\bin\AppMngr2.exe (0x101F8512)
Z:\sys\bin\audiomessage.exe (0x1020745A)
Z:\sys\bin\Autolock.exe (0x100059B5)
Z:\sys\bin\BrowserNG.exe (0x10008D39)
Z:\sys\bin\bttoggle.exe (0x2001FD3D)
Z:\sys\bin\btui.exe (0x10005951)
Z:\sys\bin\BVA.exe (0x101F4CE5)
Z:\sys\bin\Calcsoft.exe (0x10005902)
Z:\sys\bin\Calendar.exe (0x10005901)
Z:\sys\bin\cameraapp.exe (0x101F857A)
Z:\sys\bin\cbaddcontactapp.exe (0x20022EBC)
Z:\sys\bin\cbccalauncher.exe (0x20029F58)
Z:\sys\bin\cbsuiApp.exe (0x101F4CD3)
Z:\sys\bin\ccaapp.exe (0x2000B609)
Z:\sys\bin\CertSaver.exe (0x100059D2)
Z:\sys\bin\cfmwecaserviceui.exe (0x10207A28)
Z:\sys\bin\cfmwlauncher.exe (0x10204375)
Z:\sys\bin\clock.exe (0x10005903)
Z:\sys\bin\cmtv_0x2003472F.exe (0x2003472F)
Z:\sys\bin\CodViewer.exe (0x10008D4A)
Z:\sys\bin\ConnectionMonitorUi.exe (0x101F84D0)
Z:\sys\bin\ConnTest.exe (0x101F6D2B)
Z:\sys\bin\Conversations.exe (0x2002A540)
Z:\sys\bin\crashreporter.exe (0x20018422)
Z:\sys\bin\Creator.exe (0x20011383)
Z:\sys\bin\csc.exe (0x10275458)
Z:\sys\bin\Cshelp.exe (0x10005234)
Z:\sys\bin\ctcmangui.exe (0xE01FBF17)
Z:\sys\bin\cudictserver.exe (0x200159D2)
Z:\sys\bin\CuMsgFilter.exe (0x200110E6)
Z:\sys\bin\cumsgrulemgrserver.exe (0xE34C9BF9)
Z:\sys\bin\DdViewer.exe (0x10008D3F)
Z:\sys\bin\defaultappserver.exe (0x10281B9C)
Z:\sys\bin\devencui.exe (0x2000259A)
Z:\sys\bin\dict2.exe (0x200110E8)
Z:\sys\bin\digiaconnect.exe (0x20000FA9)
Z:\sys\bin\DRMEncryptor.exe (0x01105901)
Z:\sys\bin\DRMRightsManager.exe (0x101F85C7)
Z:\sys\bin\EasUiProvider.exe (0x20012C9C)
Z:\sys\bin\emailwidgetsettings.exe (0x2002429E)
Z:\sys\bin\eshell.exe (0x101F7AE7)
Z:\sys\bin\eswt.exe (0x101F9516)
Z:\sys\bin\EUnitAppEnvironment.exe (0x20000FB1)
Z:\sys\bin\EUnitEikAppEnvironment.exe (0x20000FB2)
Z:\sys\bin\EUnitS60Gui.exe (0x20000FB0)
Z:\sys\bin\FileBrowser.exe (0x102828D6)
Z:\sys\bin\FileManager.exe (0x101F84EB)
Z:\sys\bin\fmradio.exe (0x10207A89)
Z:\sys\bin\fotaserver.exe (0x102072C4)
Z:\sys\bin\FreestyleEmailUi.exe (0x2001E277)
Z:\sys\bin\fsmailserver.exe (0x2001F40A)
Z:\sys\bin\ftd.exe (0x102824C4)
Z:\sys\bin\ganapp.exe (0x20022EBD)
Z:\sys\bin\glx.exe (0x200009EE)
Z:\sys\bin\glxivwr.exe (0x200104E7)
Z:\sys\bin\Goofy.exe (0x100059EE)
Z:\sys\bin\gpumem_0xeae03242.exe (0xEAE03242)
Z:\sys\bin\GSApp.exe (0x100058EC)
Z:\sys\bin\homescreen.exe (0x102750F0)
Z:\sys\bin\HsBrowser.exe (0x2000AFCC)
Z:\sys\bin\HtiAdmin.exe (0x1020DEB5)
Z:\sys\bin\iaupdate.exe (0x2000F85A)
Z:\sys\bin\iaupdatelauncher.exe (0x2001FE2F)
Z:\sys\bin\iaupdater.exe (0x2000F85D)
Z:\sys\bin\IB.exe (0x20002595)
Z:\sys\bin\ImagePrintApp.exe (0x101FFA84)
Z:\sys\bin\IMCVUiApp.exe (0x20012425)
Z:\sys\bin\JavaControlPanel.exe (0x2002FF61)
Z:\sys\bin\javainstaller.exe (0x2001843A)
Z:\sys\bin\juice.exe (0x2000CE79)
Z:\sys\bin\Launcher.exe (0x101FB74F)
Z:\sys\bin\lcdui.exe (0x101F9515)
Z:\sys\bin\LmkMsgViewer.exe (0x101F85C1)
Z:\sys\bin\LoadGen.exe (0x20011384)
Z:\sys\bin\locsettingsuiserver.exe (0x10281861)
Z:\sys\bin\Logs.exe (0x101F4CD5)
Z:\sys\bin\LWPlayer.exe (0x102824CD)
Z:\sys\bin\matrixmenu.exe (0x101F4CD2)
Z:\sys\bin\Mce.exe (0x100058C5)
Z:\sys\bin\mediasettings.exe (0x10005A3F)
Z:\sys\bin\MemMon.exe (0x100059EC)
Z:\sys\bin\MemSpyUI.exe (0x2002129F)
Z:\sys\bin\messagereaderapplication.exe (0x10201B00)
Z:\sys\bin\mmsviewer.exe (0x100058DF)
Z:\sys\bin\mpx.exe (0x102072C3)
Z:\sys\bin\MPXVideoPlayer.exe (0x200159B2)
Z:\sys\bin\MsgMailEditor.exe (0x101F4CD6)
Z:\sys\bin\MsgMailViewer.exe (0x101F4CE4)
Z:\sys\bin\MsgUrlHandler.exe (0x1000A7FC)
Z:\sys\bin\musui.exe (0x10282391)
Z:\sys\bin\NewContactLauncher.exe (0x20026FC2)
Z:\sys\bin\Notepad.exe (0x10005907)
Z:\sys\bin\notifierlistapplication.exe (0x200255B2)
Z:\sys\bin\notviewer.exe (0x101F86A0)
Z:\sys\bin\NpdViewer.exe (0x1000599D)
Z:\sys\bin\NSmlDMSync.exe (0x101F6DE5)
Z:\sys\bin\nsmldssync.exe (0x101F6DE4)
Z:\sys\bin\OnlineSupport.exe (0x10204338)
Z:\sys\bin\OperatorMenu.exe (0x10008D5E)
Z:\sys\bin\otasync.exe (0x20016C02)
Z:\sys\bin\paintcursor.exe (0x2001FE5C)
Z:\sys\bin\Pbk2ServerApp.exe (0x10207277)
Z:\sys\bin\peninputserver.exe (0x10281855)
Z:\sys\bin\PerfMon.exe (0x20011385)
Z:\sys\bin\Phonebook2.exe (0x101F4CCE)
Z:\sys\bin\PhoneUi.exe (0x100058B3)
Z:\sys\bin\PhotoEditor.exe (0x20026F35)
Z:\sys\bin\piprofilerui.exe (0x2001E5AE)
Z:\sys\bin\pnpprovisioning.exe (0x10204339)
Z:\sys\bin\PopupClock.exe (0x2000FDC3)
Z:\sys\bin\powermonitorui.exe (0x200125CD)
Z:\sys\bin\ProfileApp.exe (0x100058F8)
Z:\sys\bin\Psln.exe (0x10005A32)
Z:\sys\bin\PushViewer.exe (0x10008D3C)
Z:\sys\bin\QO_FileManager.exe (0x200002C0)
Z:\sys\bin\QuickPDFStub.exe (0x2000745E)
Z:\sys\bin\Quickpoint.exe (0x200002C3)
Z:\sys\bin\Quicksheet.exe (0x200002C2)
Z:\sys\bin\Quickword.exe (0x200002C1)
Z:\sys\bin\ReplyUi.exe (0x20022FE6)
Z:\sys\bin\RoapApp.exe (0x10008D64)
Z:\sys\bin\SAFlash.exe (0x101FD693)
Z:\sys\bin\satui.exe (0x101F4CE0)
Z:\sys\bin\SchemeApp.exe (0x101F8532)
Z:\sys\bin\ScreenGrabber.exe (0x101FB751)
Z:\sys\bin\screensaver.exe (0x100056CF)
Z:\sys\bin\senduilauncher.exe (0x102823C5)
Z:\sys\bin\SendUiSr.exe (0x102823B5)
Z:\sys\bin\SettingWizard.exe (0x10281C96)
Z:\sys\bin\SmartPromoUi.exe (0x2000F8A6)
Z:\sys\bin\SmartSearch_0x2002AE6C.exe (0x2002AE6C)
Z:\sys\bin\SmsViewer.exe (0x100058BD)
Z:\sys\bin\Speeddial.exe (0x1000590A)
Z:\sys\bin\Startup.exe (0x100058F4)
Z:\sys\bin\Stifui.exe (0x1028311D)
Z:\sys\bin\SVGTViewerApp.exe (0x101F874A)
Z:\sys\bin\SWInstSvrUI.exe (0x101F875A)
Z:\sys\bin\Switch.exe (0x101FF968)
Z:\sys\bin\symbianunittestqt.exe (0x2002EA7F)
Z:\sys\bin\SysAp.exe (0x100058F3)
Z:\sys\bin\taskswitcher.exe (0x20016BF0)
Z:\sys\bin\TCKRunner.exe (0x2002121E)
Z:\sys\bin\TFFeedViewer_0x2000C4D1.exe (0x2000C4D1)
Z:\sys\bin\TraceSwitch.exe (0x20010231)
Z:\sys\bin\trkapp_200170bb.exe (0x200170BB)
Z:\sys\bin\ttsmanager.exe (0x10201AF2)
Z:\sys\bin\UISettingsSrv.exe (0x10207839)
Z:\sys\bin\UITestServerStarter.exe (0x2000F8E8)
Z:\sys\bin\UniEditor.exe (0x102072D8)
Z:\sys\bin\usbclasschangeui.exe (0x102068E2)
Z:\sys\bin\Ussd.exe (0x10005955)
Z:\sys\bin\vcexecutorapp.exe (0x10281D15)
Z:\sys\bin\VCommand.exe (0x101F8555)
Z:\sys\bin\vcommandmanager.exe (0x102818E7)
Z:\sys\bin\VideoEditor.exe (0x20026F2F)
Z:\sys\bin\VideoServices.exe (0x10281893)
Z:\sys\bin\videotelui.exe (0x101F8681)
Z:\sys\bin\vm.exe (0x100058F5)
Z:\sys\bin\VoiceRecorder.exe (0x100058CA)
Z:\sys\bin\VoIPProvisioningApp.exe (0x20026FE3)
Z:\sys\bin\VpnPolIns.exe (0x1000597E)
Z:\sys\bin\vuivoicerecognition.exe (0x101F8543)
Z:\sys\bin\Welcome2.exe (0x200122A4)
Z:\sys\bin\WidgetUi.exe (0x10282822)
Z:\sys\bin\wlansniffer.exe (0x10281CAA)
Z:\sys\bin\wmdrmdlaapp.exe (0x2001E5E1)
Z:\sys\bin\wsfaihelper.exe (0x10281CEB)
Z:\sys\bin\ZipManager.exe (0x2000023D)

See here for full thread:

Also dont forget to set your own wallpaper Smiley
All from this file!

How to preset menustructure after flash:
edit \private\200113DD\content\matrixmenudata.xml in rofs2 or copy paste this file after making changes to the menu from your C drive(once your phone is hacked)

How to set own firmware version and date
Most of the modders will give their own CFW version as their signature when you press *#0000# you will see
But say it will be ten times much cooler if you present your girlfriend with a handset with her name as the version number,

So here is how to achieve this:
Just go to the versions folder under resource (after unpacking rofs2/rofs3 using nokia cooker and core using nfecore2),
And edit the txt files there,

Generally all the txt files will be in CORE itself, only a few will be in rofs2/3
But I have observed that some times modders can place it in rofs2/3 for their convenience, (check the uda file too for this folder)
And if you found this folder just edit the txt's inside and have your own version number when you press *#0000#

How to make custom splashscreen and bootscreen for your CFW:

read more here:

Fellow member witcher has made this wonderful thread with all the mods so far (almost all - he keeps updating regularly):
here you go:

This will be updated regularly by witcher

Here'a a compilation of all the mods available for S^3 devices (N8, C7, E7 and C6-01)
Hope it helps everyone Smiley

1. Bluetooth Name by me : Default bluetooth name for phone after flash or hard reset

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

2. Bookmarks by me : Bookmarks integrated in default web browser (a few helpful sites already saved)

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

3. Boot animation and sound disabled by me : Disables the Nokia handshake animation and Nokia tune after Nokia logo on startup, helps in a faster startup

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

4. Camera sound disabled by me : Camera sound completely disabled when Camera Tone 1 is selected, Camera Tone 2 can be selected to get Camera Tone 1

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

5. Custom profiles by me : Enter Profiles settings to avoid manual configuration after flash or hard reset, instructions included inside archive (helpful for personal cfw)

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

6. Custom version info by me : Changed default Device Updates layout to be used in CFW, screenshot included in archive (can be used to name the CFW along with the creator)


7. Download resume after restart by me : Default web browser resumes downloads even after restart

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

8. KillMe v1.36 : KillMe application for CFW

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

9. Tapping sensor by me : Tapping sensor settings inside Sensor settings (tap the phone to silent calls and alarms)


10. Menu Arrangement by me : Its a simple and organized menu arrangement by me, hope its good enough, if not then ya'll can modify it freely and use it, i added few folders with icons (couldn't find them in default fw), Internet folder with icon, Navigation folder with icon, Media folder with icon, Games folder with icon, Xtras folder with icon. Screenshot inside archive


11. Browser cache to E : This mod moves the browser cache to drive E

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

12. Bluetooth Queries disabled by CODeRUS : This mod disables the prompts to switch on bluetooth in offline mode

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

13. Default HS delete enabled : This mod enables the user to delete the default HS if more than one homescreen is available

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

14. FileBrowser for S^3 by CODeRUS : This is the updated FileBrowser by CODeRUS running perfectly on S^3 along with kinetic scrolling.

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

15. Gallery folder search by me : This mod changes the default directories which are scanned by gallery

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

16. installserver with log by CODeRUS : This is the latest installserver by CODeRUS which saves the installation files if a folder named "installserver" is made on any drive

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

17. Java Permissions mod by CODeRUS : This mod changes the default java permissions so that the related prompts are removed in java apps

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

18. Lockscreen in landscape by Rawand Kurdy : This mod enables the lockscreen to turn landscape like on E7, works only if the screen orientation is landscape before screen lock

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

19. Music folder search by me : This mod changes the default directories which are scanned by music player, now searching is enabled only in E:\Music, E:\Music Store Downloads, F:\Music, F:\Music Store Downloads

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

20. No keylock vibration by banKai : This mod disables the vibration on locking and unlocking of phone by hardware switch

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

21. No menu key light by banKai : This mod disables the menu key from being lit up when the phone is used, it'll still have the breathing light property and notifications property


22. No offline query by CODeRUS : This mod disables the prompt when switching from offline to any other profile

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

23. Music player metadata editing by CODeRUS : This mod enables the default music player to edit a song's metadata


24. Six homescreens by sklchan : This mod allows user to add upto 6 homescreens. THIS MOD MUST BE ADDED TO THE UDA

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

25. Active diverts popup disabled by CODeRUS : This mod disables the annoying "Active Diverts" popup everytime a call is made on some networks. THIS MOD MUST BE ADDED TO THE UDA (MIGHT BE WORKING FROM ROFS BUT I HAVEN'T TRIED, CODeRUS INSTRUCTED TO PUT IN C: )
Anna and Belle version by Ancelad


26. Equalizer editing enabled by CODeRUS : This mod enables the editing of default music player's equalizer and also to create new presets. THIS MOD MUST BE ADDED TO THE UDA


27. Rompatcher+ v3.0 (by Il.Socio) with autostart by nicesoni_ash : This is Rompatcher+ v3.0 (by Il.Socio) along with working autostart by nicesoni_ash for CFW

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

28. KS Type A Improvement by sklchan : Improves the Kinetic Scrolling. now your list will be easier/faster/longer on kinetic scroll
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


29. KS Type B Improvement by sklchan : Improves the Kinetic Scrolling. NEW KS mods from PimpJuice mods which make the kinetic scrolling very fast and won't slow down
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


30. UI Improvement by sklchan : Improve UI responsiveness, mods been fine tuned, changed the default FPS from 67FPS to 72FPS and max processing power from 75% to 90%
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


31. N8 Continuous AutoFocus by sklchan : You will have an EXTRA option under Video Setting that enable the Continuous AF during video.
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


32. E7/C7/C6-01 Video Mods by sklchan : Mods for E7/C7/C6-01 video, enhance zoom steps and increase night mode FPS
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

33. N8 Pic/Vid (100/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 100/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


34. N8 Pic/Vid (097/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


35. N8 Pic/Vid (095/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 95/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


36. N8 Pic/Vid (097/25FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video remain 25FPS with capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


37. N8 Pic/Vid (085/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality remain as original 85/75/60, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


38. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (100/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 100/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

39. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (097/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

40. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (095/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 95/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

41. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (097/25FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video remain 25FPS with capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

42. E7/C7 Pic/Vid (085/30FPS) by sklchan : Photo quality remain as original 85/75/60, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

43. Voice Recorder (12H/256kbps/Stereo) by sklchan : Set the default Voice Recorder to high quality recording (from 64kbps to 256kbps) and increase the max duration of the recording clip from 60mins to 720mins
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna)

44. Music Player Vol/Heap Mods (100%/32MB) by sklchan : Experiment mods, no significant effect after the mods
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


45. Increase Context Data Object Maximum Size by sklchan : Experiment mods, no significant effect after the mods
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


46. Light Sensor Disable by sklchan : Totally disable the Light Sensor, LCD will have 100% brightness all the time (will dim ONLY in power safe mode)
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


47. Haptics Improvement by sklchan : Lower the vibration and fine tune level 1/2/3 haptics feedback
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


48. Vibration Alert Improvement by sklchan : Same goes with haptics mods
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


49. Fast Screen Rotation by sklchan : Can feel "a bit" faster but not lighting fast as the delay seem not from the sensor but rather from the UI
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


50. N8 FM Transmitter RDS by sklchan : The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia N8" and not just "Nokia"
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


51. E7 FM Transmitter RDS by sklchan : The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia E7" and not just "Nokia"
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


52. C7 FM Transmitter RDS by sklchan : The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia C7" and not just "Nokia"
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


53. Video Call FPS Improvement by sklchan : Slightly change the video call setting fps from original min/norm/max of 5/10/15 to 10/15/20
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


54. Database Max Record Count by sklchan : Experimental mod, Increase database from 20 to 50
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


55. HWRM Process Priority by sklchan : Experimental mod, Hardware sensor priority change from background to foreground
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


56. Music Player Equalizer by sklchan : Add in additional 10 EQ presets, Flat/Speech/Enhance/Treble booster/Bass & Treble/ZigZag/Half-V/Full-V/Half-A/Full-A
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


57. Permanent Landscape Screen by sklchan : Add in lots of apps (>500 apps) UID into the default apps orientaion to be in Landscape and disable the accelerometer sensor within the setting.
(not all apps will follow as not all of them are follow the cenrep configurations, won't work for the Call Screen)
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


58. Permanent Portrait Screen by sklchan : Add in lots of apps (>500 apps) UID into the default apps orientaion to be in Portrait and disable the accelerometer sensor within the setting.
(not all apps will follow as not all of them are follow the cenrep configurations)
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


59. Charger Note Disable by sklchan : Disable the Charger notification note
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


60. PwrSave Note Disable by sklchan : Disable the Power Saving mode notification note
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


61. Camera Digital Zoom by sklchan : Enable the dafault camera apps to have Digital Extended Zoom capability
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


62. Max Volume by sklchan : Change most of the apps default volume setting to 100%
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


63. Voice Recognition Improvement by sklchan : Experimental mod, change the default Voice Recognition sensitivity and accuracy
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


64. Battery Level Fix by sklchan : Change the default battery indicator from 100>70>50>40>30>20>10 to 100>80>65>50>35>20>10
(This mods only for eye candy, no real changes regarding the devices NON-Linear battery indicator behaviour)
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


65. Popup UI Improvement by sklchan : Experimental mod, change the default Popup UI delay
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


66. XCAP Cache Increase by sklchan : Experimental mod, increased the XCAP Cache size
Mod and description from sklchan's Multiple Mods v7.00


67. Tactile feedback in calls v1 by Ancelad : This mod enables three short vibrations when a call is made and disconnected

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

68. Tactile feedback in calls v2 by Ancelad : This mod enables single short vibrations when a call is made and disconected

DOWNLOAD (PR1.2, Anna, Belle)

69. Unlimited homescreens for Belle by jnx_r : This mod enables addition of unlimited number of homescreens, but the dot indicator shows only till the sixth hs after which it disappears


70. Touch screen vibration improvement for Belle by dhdesigner : This mod improves the very weak touch screen vibration in Belle


Compilation of all the mods listed above (Includes till mod no. 70, updated on 20.08.2011)


Please don't forget to give credit to the author of these mods if anyone uses them
If i missed out someone's name with the mod which is his, please let me know
Thanx sklchan for many mods, original thread by sklchan here

Thnx to everyone, its only possible to have all these coz of all the people here

Other Useful Information and links:

About theme effects:

Game Folders:
This is the game folders for saved games under private in G
So that you dont cry about losing your high score after flash to your brother :p

Assassins Creed is G:\Private\20036B7B -
Sims 3 G:\private\200331f6
Friut Ninja G:\private\200398FD -
NFS G:\private\20031338
PES2011 G:\private\20038980 -
Tetris HD G:\private\2002b2dc
Worms G:\private\2002b2df
Galaxy on Fire G:\private\2002FEA0
Guitar Rocktour 2 G:\private\20030E7A
Avatar G:\private\20030E7B
Rally Master Pro G:\private\20030E46
Rollercoaster Extreme G:\private\20030E48
Angry Birds G:\private\20030E51
Angry Birds Seasons G:\private\20030E52
Angry Birds Rio : G:\private\2003B21F
Real Football 2010 G:\private\20030E77
Hero of Sparta G:\private\20030E78
GT Racing: Motor Academy G:\private\20030E79
Real Golf 2011 G:\private\20030E86
Asphalt 5 G:\private\20030E87
Sparkle G:\private\20030f70
HAWX G:\private\20035DFF
Settlers G:\private\20035E05
Spiderman G:\private\20036B78 -
Tron Tanks G:\private\2003855c
Speed X : G:\private\20039613

If you cant see your favorite game here then find out the apps UID using kill me or sis contents and back it up

About Ovi suite back up:
IT DOESNT WORK (yes Im shouting)
It simply doesn't work
Dont trust this, or you'll end up like me with most of my apps gone and the apps which I could restore were just too buggy

[NEW] Solution to backup!

Fortunately for you, I have a small solution of my own to make things simple
All the apps are installed in either C: or E: drive,
Now those apps which you installed in your device, can be ready to use if you follow these simple steos:

1.Copy all files from C and E of your hacked phone using any file browser to your memory card then onto your computer
2.Empty the UDA file and the 16G mass memory file using nokia cooker
3.Now add all the files from C to the UDA file and add all the files from E to the 16G mass memory file
4.Flash....Viola you're done!

All your apps ready to use after flashing right away
Simple enough right?

Important note:
Mind you,
You will need to add the corresponding exe files to sys bin folder in the C drive too (aka UDA) if you want the apps and games to work from E
So just extracting them to E (aka 16G file) wont do..

Another way is to use the built in file manager to do the backups,
But I do not know how far this can be trusted,
I use it regularly for backing up contacts and messages and calendar entries,
The rest I ignore,
Because it takes really long, like a few hrs if you have many apps,
Even for settings it can take up to half an hr.
So just mind you, you can choose what you like, but what I suggested will work guaranteed and that too in lesser time

Final tips for CFW makers:

* Maintain a separate folder of all your extracted apps, and another folder for the confirmed working mods..notice I emphasize on the word working,
Because it would be difficult to find out which one is causing a problem if you have a bug and then you will have to check each and every one of them all over again

* Once you have cleaned your firmware, take a back up of it before you go ahead and start customizing it,
In case something went wrong, you can roll back to that version, instead of having to do it all over again

* Extract the OFW and keep its files in a separate folder for fast access to original files,
I would atleast recommend you to have the BE9 folder extracted and in a separate folder

* Check your CFW for bugs, and app compatibility before you make it public

Bug removal and other tips:
Bugs are the most irritating thing in CFW making,
you usually think just extracting all the mods into the firmware and clicking on repack should do the trick, but it doesnt..
99% of the time you would have bugs in your CFW when you flash it the first ten times...

How to we tackle them?

There are two ways,
1. Avoid them (by keeping track of your files/mods)
2. In case you made your CFW and there aint no backup, or say you keep getting the error no matter what you may do..
Then its time to investigate..

Mostly bugs will give you clues,
Like say camera startup errors indicate a problem with camera related files, so we remove them and replace those files from OFW and try,
Then you open them and see exactly what is causing the error,
Check for each value and try only those which have been confirmed working, or you confirmed it to work..

If you still think you're the only one getting this error, make a thread post here, and modders who have faced a similar situation in the past may share their experience

Finally, hope your CFW is void of any bugs whatsoever to make your life and others lives beautiful

Other Notes to members and Some Symbian^3 Modding History:

All this and still your'e still no great modder,
You'd be thinking WTF is wrong with him? Why he saying this?

This is because once you finish reading this you will have the knowledge,
But only to make your own firmware, Not your own mods, or tools.
Damn it, the tools you and I take for granted have a long story behind them,
Say Nokia cooker or NFE, and rompatcher which was developed years ago because of some talented people, who chose to share their knowledge and works with us.
Symbian is the oldest Mobile OS and it is safe to say that it is almost as old as the Mobile Phone itself.
Developed in 1997, as an EPOC32 release, its older than a decade.
I can not even begin to emphasize how old the Symbian Modding scene is,
Many symbian forums have existed, and still continue to exist.
So many Symbain modders and developers have been members elsewhere, and recently joined here or so.
Maybe they do not have many hundred thanks like me or many others here, but they do know a great deal.
So if you want to benefit from their knowledge then, be kind to them and learn to appreciate their work.
I have already seen many great modders leave symbian because of the silly attitude of members here.(Read these threads Thread 1 Thread 2)
Many of the guys here are teenagers who would say crap to the thread maker if the release has a stupid bug.
Attitude like this seems to deter any one who would like to share his or her work.

And another thing is you who read this to share your works for others to use, do not be selfish.
I have already tasted the selfish attitude of some members here,
who fail to realize that their mods/cfw/etc exists only because of the hard work of a select few.

So finally,
So dont think yourselves very great and respect the modders and developers
by giving them thanks where needed and not spamming their threads with mundane requests,
Maintain healthy attitude in the forum and helping fellow members Smiley

Symbian encyclopedia:

Nokia Care suite (flasher)

CREDITS: (those who are responsible for the S^3 modding scene)
Il.socio (Rompatcher+/Navifirm/Nokia Cooker/many more things you cant even think of, lets just say you have no IDEA)
CODeRUS (For being with S^3 till now and also the most important mods without which S^3 modding scene can never be realised-installserver/s^3 rompatcher/and many more mods)
Doctorly (For the Core editor and finding bug about core calibration - Hey without him we wouldn't be having a CFW section in this forum!)
Faenil (For the Cenrep modd descriptions and idea)
Ancelad (For many nice mods I use lots of his mods, think he will provide us with many mods in future too)
PNHT: Szakalit, Adonix and Steven25, For contributing hugely to the S60 modding scene due to which we still reap the benefits as a better S^3 modding scene
For starters they have ported C6 to 5800 and many more things like NFE; read more about them here:
Fonix232 (I'm not aware of all his works in detail)
Wook and other Symbian Freak members, who helped change the S60 Modding scene forever!

Other members:
sklchan (cenrep mods), nicesoni_ash (1st N8 CFW), himuara05 (splitscreen qwerty), Rawand Kurdy (C7 cfw and other things), upakul, mods of DM and other members etc
I am sorry if i missed a few names, just cant remember everyone's names good enough, PM me if you want to add your name too

And, finally all you who have read till this last line for your patience

Rompatcher latest version 3.1
Sysap 2.4 mod
Working Rompatcher patches
Guide to make Rompatcher Patches
NFE STD 0.3 Firmware editing tool by PNHT
ROFS2 Language Tool GUI v1.9.9
Language Tools
Signing Tools
Other Modding tools
Life Timer Reset/Product Code CHange

New Links:
Nokia Symbian^3 Developer's Library
Symbian Language codes
Installation packages (sis/sisx/etc)
Camera Library
Porting applications from S60 5th Edition to Symbian^3

CODeRUS blog:

And finally mates, HAPPY REFURBISH Smiley 

-  Viral


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